Archie Name Meaning

The name Archie is a unique name that means “genuine and bold.” This name is a great choice for parents who want a name that represents strength and bravery for their son. The name Archie is also a nod to the traditional and classic names of the past, making it a timeless and sophisticated choice.

Origins of the Name Archie

The name Archie is a shortened form of the name Archibald, which means “bold and genuine.” Archibald is a German name that was brought to England in the Norman Conquest of 1066. In the Middle Ages, the name was used as a surname before becoming a first name. The name Archie has been in use since the 19th century and has been a popular choice for boys ever since.

Popularity of the Name Archie

Before the birth of Baby Sussex, the name Archie was a relatively uncommon name, ranking in the 500s on the list of most popular baby boy names in the United States. However, after the announcement of the birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the name shot up the list, making it one of the fastest-rising baby names of the year. The popularity of the name continues to grow, with more and more parents choosing the name for their son.

Archie is a popular name in pop culture, with several notable figures bearing the name. One of the most famous Arthies is Archie Andrews, the red-headed comic book character from the Archie Comics series. The character first appeared in 1941 and has been a beloved part of American pop culture ever since.

Another popular character with the name Archie is Archie Bunker, the main character in the 1970s sitcom “All in the Family.” Bunker was a working-class man with conservative views and a tendency to spout off about current events. The character was a huge hit and helped make the name Archie even more recognizable to the general public.

Final Thoughts on the Name Archie

The name Archie is a unique and charming name that has a rich history and a range of meanings that make it a popular choice for parents. With its rise in popularity and its association with pop culture figures, the name Archie is a timeless choice for any baby boy. Whether you’re looking for a name that represents strength and bravery or a nod to the traditional and classic names of the past, Archie is a great choice for any parent.

Infographic of Archie name meaning, which is A diminutive form of Archibald.
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Archie Name Popularity

How popular is the name Archie? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 124 220 0.0625%
1911 128 232 0.0623%
1912 129 470 0.0932%
1913 134 545 0.0961%
1914 144 626 0.0898%
1915 146 780 0.0859%
1916 152 777 0.0804%
1917 141 920 0.092%
1918 139 1,080 0.1006%
1919 141 999 0.0954%
1920 144 1,017 0.0915%
1921 155 950 0.083%
1922 151 992 0.089%
1923 162 912 0.0814%
1924 156 1,000 0.0861%
1925 164 877 0.0776%
1926 162 898 0.0816%
1927 172 831 0.0751%
1928 168 835 0.078%
1929 190 697 0.0673%
1930 181 729 0.0698%
1931 178 726 0.0736%
1932 187 677 0.0685%
1933 190 620 0.0665%
1934 190 634 0.0656%
1935 191 643 0.0662%
1936 193 608 0.0631%
1937 196 608 0.0617%
1938 212 542 0.0529%
1939 202 573 0.0563%
1940 212 561 0.0528%
1941 209 613 0.0545%
1942 217 643 0.0509%
1943 240 570 0.0437%
1944 224 573 0.0462%
1945 247 504 0.0413%
1946 249 585 0.0396%
1947 255 639 0.0383%
1948 252 627 0.0393%
1949 263 583 0.0362%
1950 285 515 0.032%
1951 283 544 0.0321%
1952 289 556 0.0319%
1953 289 560 0.0316%
1954 311 493 0.027%
1955 300 548 0.0298%
1956 321 500 0.0265%
1957 327 515 0.0268%
1958 359 423 0.0224%
1959 357 443 0.0233%
1960 374 407 0.0215%
1961 404 346 0.0183%
1962 407 355 0.0193%
1963 386 384 0.0214%
1964 400 354 0.0201%
1965 444 260 0.0159%
1966 443 259 0.0166%
1967 454 233 0.0154%
1968 441 263 0.0175%
1969 435 290 0.0188%
1970 444 299 0.0188%
1971 447 287 0.0191%
1972 491 211 0.0155%
1973 518 178 0.0137%
1974 547 168 0.0129%
1975 561 160 0.0125%
1976 552 167 0.013%
1977 599 149 0.0111%
1978 601 145 0.0108%
1979 626 138 0.0098%
1980 650 130 0.0089%
1981 654 121 0.0082%
1982 676 114 0.0076%
1983 715 95 0.0064%
1984 770 82 0.0055%
1985 810 75 0.0049%
1986 873 62 0.0041%
1987 937 57 0.0037%
1988 907 67 0.0043%
1989 1,024 57 0.0035%
1990 1,123 49 0.003%
1991 1,222 42 0.0026%
1992 1,260 39 0.0024%
1993 1,820 14 0.0009%
1994 1,261 40 0.0026%
1995 1,471 27 0.0018%
1996 1,567 24 0.0016%
1997 2,104 11 0.0007%
1998 2,043 12 0.0008%
1999 1,623 25 0.0017%
2000 1,848 18 0.0012%
2001 1,976 15 0.001%
2002 2,447 7 0.0005%
2003 2,034 15 0.001%
2004 2,468 8 0.0005%
2005 1,965 19 0.0012%
2006 1,898 24 0.0015%
2007 0 0%
2008 1,801 29 0.0019%
2009 1,719 33 0.0022%
2010 1,773 29 0.002%
2011 1,714 30 0.0021%
2012 1,634 36 0.0025%
2013 1,705 30 0.0021%
2014 1,460 51 0.0035%
2015 1,167 93 0.0064%
2016 1,248 79 0.0055%
2017 1,157 95 0.0068%
2018 958 148 0.0108%
2019 647 337 0.0249%
2020 478 578 0.0454%
2021 400 747 0.0611%
2022 373 836 0.0634%

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District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

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Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

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Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Names Like Archie

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What names sound like Archie?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Genuine, bold, brave



Genuine, bold, brave


What names are similar to Archie?

Find a name that’s like Archie, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Great forest



Lion, eagle; lion of God; the best of all



Hare meadow



Mountain of strength; eagle; eagle ruler



Follower of the goddess Artemis



Exile, voyager; people's friend



Old; powerful leader


Lists With Archie

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Archie.

Siblings of Archie

Mamas with kids named Archie also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



God is my strength



Helper to the priest



Free man



A diminutive form of Elizabeth.



  1. I picked the name Archie because my husband and I liked it but also the name Archibald runs in the family.

  2. We chose Archie because it means bold and brave. In a world full of what seems like chaos we feel raising a man of bravery is of more value now than ever. We pray he is brave to stand up for what’s right always!

  3. Thanks ? everyone

  4. My Mom actually suggested this name when we first told her we were expecting. Hubby and I both liked it, but doubted we would actually use it. But it stayed at the top of the list throughout the whole pregnancy and upon first laying eyes upon our little man, we both knew at once he was an Archie. Oh, and Mom is thrilled!

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