Abel Name Meaning

The name Abel is derived from the Hebrew word “hevel” which means “breath” or “vanity”. It is also associated with the word “abhal” which means “mourning”. Thus, the name Abel is often associated with fragility, transience and the brevity of life.

Origins of the Name Abel

The name Abel comes from the Bible, specifically from the book of Genesis. In the Bible, Abel is the second son of Adam and Eve, and the first murder victim. He was a shepherd and his brother Cain was a farmer. According to the Bible, God accepted Abel’s offering of the firstborn of his flock and rejected Cain’s offering of the fruits of the ground. Cain became jealous of Abel, and ultimately killed him.

Popularity of the Name Abel

The name Abel has not been as popular as other names throughout history, but it has had its moments in the spotlight. In the United States, the name Abel was most popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, and it has been fluctuating in popularity ever since. According to the Social Security Administration, Abel was the 514th most popular boy’s name in the United States in 2020.

Famous Abels

While the name Abel may not be as common as some others, there have been a number of notable people throughout history who have borne the name. Here are a few famous Abels that you may have heard of:

  • Abel Tasman, a Dutch explorer who was the first European to discover the island of Tasmania and New Zealand.
  • Abel Gance, a French film director and producer who is best known for his silent film “Napoleon.”
  • Abel Ferrara, an American film director, screenwriter, and producer.
  • Abel Xavier, a Portuguese former professional footballer who played as a defender.
  • Abel Tesfaye, Canadian singer, songwriter, and record producer known professionally as The Weeknd

Final Thoughts on the Name Abel

The name Abel may not be as popular as some other baby boy names, but it has a rich history and a powerful meaning. The name is rooted in the Bible and has been associated with fragility, transience and the brevity of life. While it may not be as common, it’s still a unique and meaningful choice for a baby boy. And with famous Abels ranging from explorers to artists, your little Abel is sure to make his mark on the world.

Infographic of Abel name meaning, which is A Biblical name with Hebrew roots, Abel means breath.
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Abel Name Popularity

How popular is the name Abel? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 570 7 0.0019%
1912 747 10 0.002%
1913 645 20 0.0035%
1914 840 15 0.0022%
1915 805 24 0.0026%
1916 693 41 0.0042%
1917 621 57 0.0057%
1918 650 54 0.005%
1919 761 37 0.0035%
1920 722 46 0.0041%
1921 697 52 0.0045%
1922 667 59 0.0053%
1923 806 35 0.0031%
1924 591 81 0.007%
1925 720 45 0.004%
1926 587 76 0.0069%
1927 666 56 0.0051%
1928 746 40 0.0037%
1929 611 64 0.0062%
1930 557 81 0.0078%
1931 571 70 0.0071%
1932 541 79 0.008%
1933 546 76 0.0082%
1934 581 69 0.0071%
1935 582 65 0.0067%
1936 632 48 0.005%
1937 571 68 0.0069%
1938 603 61 0.006%
1939 548 73 0.0072%
1940 529 82 0.0077%
1941 504 97 0.0086%
1942 546 84 0.0067%
1943 589 75 0.0057%
1944 534 92 0.0074%
1945 522 93 0.0076%
1946 580 83 0.0056%
1947 546 111 0.0066%
1948 503 133 0.0083%
1949 506 130 0.0081%
1950 503 134 0.0083%
1951 487 153 0.009%
1952 526 134 0.0077%
1953 456 197 0.0111%
1954 464 199 0.0109%
1955 473 199 0.0108%
1956 501 187 0.0099%
1957 486 210 0.0109%
1958 487 213 0.0113%
1959 498 203 0.0107%
1960 488 222 0.0117%
1961 478 234 0.0124%
1962 482 230 0.0125%
1963 468 242 0.0135%
1964 461 252 0.0143%
1965 456 247 0.0151%
1966 467 224 0.0143%
1967 479 204 0.0134%
1968 459 232 0.0155%
1969 451 247 0.016%
1970 472 251 0.0158%
1971 449 281 0.0187%
1972 437 294 0.0216%
1973 414 315 0.0243%
1974 430 295 0.0227%
1975 392 354 0.0275%
1976 391 351 0.0272%
1977 421 308 0.0228%
1978 401 330 0.0245%
1979 394 377 0.0267%
1980 368 427 0.0292%
1981 371 429 0.0292%
1982 376 421 0.0282%
1983 396 376 0.0255%
1984 392 387 0.026%
1985 398 413 0.0272%
1986 382 438 0.029%
1987 409 409 0.0268%
1988 390 468 0.03%
1989 405 490 0.0304%
1990 389 553 0.0334%
1991 371 582 0.0357%
1992 372 588 0.0368%
1993 382 567 0.0364%
1994 403 531 0.0346%
1995 350 666 0.0442%
1996 388 567 0.0379%
1997 359 663 0.0448%
1998 381 619 0.0414%
1999 370 671 0.0448%
2000 357 717 0.0469%
2001 361 702 0.0466%
2002 354 724 0.0483%
2003 361 716 0.0471%
2004 355 760 0.0499%
2005 354 803 0.0525%
2006 338 892 0.057%
2007 346 904 0.0573%
2008 361 831 0.0538%
2009 331 933 0.0624%
2010 293 1,101 0.0764%
2011 239 1,477 0.1037%
2012 191 1,934 0.1357%
2013 180 2,226 0.1563%
2014 164 2,556 0.1754%
2015 123 3,235 0.2223%
2016 137 3,020 0.2095%
2017 146 2,674 0.1916%
2018 146 2,655 0.1932%
2019 156 2,441 0.1803%
2020 179 2,072 0.1628%
2021 195 1,927 0.1576%
2022 214 1,732 0.1313%

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Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

Names Like Abel

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What names are variants of Abel?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Abel.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Abraham.



Breath, vapour



Breath, vapour



Breath, vapour



Breath, vapour; father of a multitude (of nations); high father



Breath, vapour; father of a multitude (of nations); high father



Breath, vapour



Breath, vapour


What names sound like Abel?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

My father is the Lord



My father is the Lord


What names are similar to Abel?

Find a name that’s like Abel, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble strength


Lists With Abel

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Siblings of Abel

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Breath, vapour



  1. It is Biblical

  2. Abel is my name and I love him

    • I love my name and the next to bring my name Abel to the world

  3. I like the story of Abel in the bible. The sacrifice he did for his father showed the love and trust he had for his father

  4. Abel was a very humble child to his family

  5. my husband and I have only ever wanted one child, so we had to make his name count. He was born as a Preemie and had to spend a long time in the NICU, we were going to name him, Frank, but when we saw him it just didn’t fit. He has the biggest blue eyes you have ever seen and he was so quiet. Out of the blue, the name Abel popped into my head. My husband said sure. we named him Abel Adam because Adam means Man, So his name means. “Able Man”

  6. It means “Breath” in Hebrew, and Abel was the second born to Adam and Eve who offered a pleasing sacrifice to God; God was well pleased with him.

  7. My husband had his heart set on Abel for a boy since day one

  8. I love everything about Abel’s name

  9. Named him after his father

  10. I chose this name because it means breath, and first son. Which both have significance as he was my first born, and when he was born he was not breathing. He spent 7 days in the NICU due to his lung issues.

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