Best Baby Gas Drops for 2024

Crying baby? Gassy baby? Here is the roundup of the best gas drops for 2024 + natural remedies to help ease your baby’s tummy.

Crying baby? Gassy baby? Here is the roundup of the best gas drops for 2020 + natural remedies to help ease your baby's tummy.

Whenever your baby is uncomfortable — whether it’s from teething or if baby is gassy — your number one priority is helping your baby get relief fast! When it comes to gas, you might be tempted to grab some baby gas drops, but which ones are best for your baby? We’ve created a roundup of the top baby gas drops so you won’t be left to guess.

In this post, we’ll explore:

  • The best baby gas drops
  • When to give your baby gas drops
  • Side effects of baby gas drops
  • Alternatives to using gas drops

Best Baby Gas Drops for 2024

Gas drops are a liquid given to babies to help reduce bloating, discomfort, and pain associated with excessive gas. If your little one is gassy, here are the top-rated baby gas drops for 2024.

When Should I Give My Baby Gas Drops?

If your baby is burping or tooting, you might assume he is gassy, but a little toot or a burp can be just a sign of normal, everyday gas. If, however, your baby seems bothered by passing gas, he may have excess gas.

Other signs of excessive gas include:

  • Arched back
  • Pulling the legs up to the chest
  • Fussiness
  • A red face or straining (trying to pass the gas)
  • Crying (unrelated to other causes such as hungry or a dirty diaper)

If you suspect that your baby is gassy, your pediatrician may suggest gas drops, but how do you know when to give the drops to your baby? Most mamas decide to give gas drops a try when their baby is unhappy, crying, seemingly in pain, and not responding to the normal comfort measures like shushing, rocking, or comfort nursing.

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What Are the Side Effects of Infant Gas Drops?

Most over-the-counter infant gas drops contain simethicone, a medicine designed to disperse — and prevent — air bubbles associated in the stomach and/or intestines. Simethicone is generally a safe medication for babies and studies show that it reduces crying spells and uncomfortable symptoms once administered. (source)

While simethicone is generally deemed safe, gas drops aren’t without side effects, but remember side effects depend on which brand you choose and which type of gas drop you choose. According to the experts at Mayo Clinic, simethicone can cause loose stools in babies, but this is rare and usually connected to more-than-average doses. (source)

However, the biggest risk of unwanted side effects is from the other ingredients used to make the drops. Harmful ingredients may include:

These above-listed substances can be harmful to babies — and all humans for that matter — especially in large quantities. Getting a daily dose of a gas drop with these ingredients can really add up over time. In addition, the preservative sodium benzoate and artificial dyes are also known to increase hyperactivity in children. (source)

Try Natural Remedies

Even if you’re not reaching for the gas drops, that’s okay. Your baby has plenty of natural remedies for getting rid of uncomfortable air bubbles.

The best natural remedies for relieving gas include:

Still Got a Stubborn Air Bubble?

The Windi can help you release the trapped bubble. From the same company that created the Nose Frida, the Windi is a simple yet incredibly effective way to treat gas. Instead of trying to dissipate the air bubble from the inside, the hollow tube is designed to give the air bubble an exit path. And don’t worry about hurting your baby — the safety lip prevents the tube from going too far. 

Gas Drops Versus Gripe Water: Which Is Better?

Some mamas swear by gripe water for colic, but can you use for gas pains? First, ask yourself if your baby has excessive gas or colic.

Gas is caused by excessive air trapped in the digestive system. Air bubbles can get trapped from sucking in air while crying or nursing with a bad latch. On the other hand, colic is characterized by intense crying for three hours, at least three days of the week, for at least three weeks. Gas pains can accompany colic, especially if your baby sucks in a lot of air when crying.

That being said, gripe water may still help settle a bloated, gassy tummy. That’s because gripe water is made of a combination of tummy-friendly herbs like fennel and lemon balm — both of which soothe indigestion.

One benefit of gripe water is that it is a much more natural choice, especially when compared to gas drops.

Remember, though, that all babies are different and may prefer different comfort methods. For example, some babies may do best with the colic hold, a tummy massage, and gripe water, while other babies may prefer the bicycle kicks and tummy time. Try what works best for your little one.

Our Top Picks for Baby Gas Drops

When to See Your Pediatrician

While you probably don’t need to take your baby to the pediatrician for a routine case of gas, you might wonder when is the right time to talk to your doctor. If gas drops aren’t working — and neither are the natural remedies — don’t hesitate to check in with your pediatrician. Sometimes underlying conditions like acid reflux disease can mimic the signs of gas.

If your baby isn’t gaining weight, is refusing to eat, and isn’t sleep well, your pediatrician can get your baby the relief he needs.

Gas Is a Normal Part of Life

We’ll admit it — gas can be an embarrassing topic, but it affects us all! Whenever your baby is a little gassy, it’s important to remember that, like all things in life, this too shall pass. (See what we did there?)

Do you have a tried-and-true tip for helping a gassy baby? Let us know!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Super helpful! I have seen a lot of improvement in baby’s comfort by adding probiotics and while I see a lot of blogs recommending gas drops, but they don’t often talk about probiotics. Thanks for being so thorough in your research!

  2. Can you answer the above two questions please?

  3. All three simethicone base recommendations contain Sodium Benzoate -AND- one has sucralose.

  4. Hi Mama Natural,

    First, thank you for all your helpful information! I reference your website for all my baby questions!

    Second, I’m a bit confused by your gas drops recommendation since the biggest risk is the other ingredients – like sodium benzoate… but Little Remedies Baby Gas Drops has that in the ingredient list and yet it’s still recommended? Is this a mistake or not an issue that sodium benzoate is in this? I’ve been using this brand and just am now discovering that sodium benzoate is bad and am just confused on what product to use for my gassy baby. Thank you for your help!

    Your website says:
    However, the biggest risk of unwanted side effects is from the other ingredients used to make the drops. Harmful ingredients may include:

    Sodium benzoate
    Benzoic acid
    Artificial dyes
    Artificial flavors
    These above-listed substances can be harmful to babies — and all humans for that matter — especially in large quantities. Getting a daily dose of a gas drop with these ingredients can really add up over time. In addition, the preservative sodium benzoate and artificial dyes are also known to increase hyperactivity in children. (source)

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