21 Week Old Baby Reader Story 💡
The Moment I Discovered My Daughter’s Personality
Baby Week to Week 21 Mama Natural The many faces of Evangeline.
It’s amazing to watch as your child transforms from a sleepy infant into a bubbly baby. I first started to notice the shift when my daughter Evangeline was about two months old.
One day, Evangeline was wearing a particularly cute outfit, so I set up an impromptu photo shoot. When I took her picture, she was happy and smiling; a moment after I snapped this picture, she put on a pouty little frown; an instant later she started to fake cry.
I was surprised by her sudden change in demeanor and laughed in response, which prompted Evangeline to erupt in a fit of giggles, too. It was so adorable—and amazing to see how quickly she learned to manipulate her own expressions.