When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had 3 weeks of prodromal labor, it was exhausting having very irregular contractions multiple times a day/night. On his due date of 4/29, again, I woke up at AM from contractions and started timing them... 10 min apart until 3 AM and then they were 3 min apart for an hour... I decided it was a good time to head to the birthing center! During this time I did some squats and sat on my birthing ball to help the process.
My husband and I got to the center at 4 AM after a friend came to be with our big kids. I was only 3 cm (which I had been for a week) and my contractions were 1-3 min apart. The nurse said it’s time to move around to dilate more... by that time my mom and friend came and the hubs went home. For two hours I walked and did lots of deeps squats while getting massaged and lots of essential oils. I dilated to 4 cm. Yay, the real thing! I progressed! Time to have a baby :)
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
This was my third all natural birth, but it was my longest. My contractions were 1-3 min apart from 3 AM to 10:30 AM when I finally asked for benedryl to help a little with the pain. He was born at 11:44am.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Lots of breathing exercise. Clary sage oil on my right inner ankle. Use of the birthing ball. Plenty of prayer and meditation. But most of all, support from my team and doctor! Be sure to have a doc or midwife who is on the same page!
What surprised you about your birth?
How long it was... everyone said the third “falls” out. That was far from the truth!
Know your body and get as prepared as you can beforehand! You’ve got this mama!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Meditation and freedom of movement. Also a nice hot bath! I was so exhausted that I felt I needed a little relief with benedryl. Know your body and listen to it!
What position did you end up delivering in?
I wound up on right, then left side. All fours, squatting... then delivered on my back with my knees to my ears. He was stuck in my birth canal and did not want to come out. We tried all positions until being in the traditional position which worked.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
So relieving! Best feeling ever!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Know your body and get as prepared as you can beforehand! You’ve got this mama!