Birth Stories

Mama Natural Birth Classes And Craniosacral Work With Her Doula Helped Mercy Achieve Her Hospital VBAC Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When my contractions woke me up at 3 AM and I wasn’t able to go back to sleep between them. I also couldn’t stay in bed from that point on.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Only not knowing if I would be successful delivering vaginally but knowing I was capable so long as everyone around me was supportive and believed in me. My first two birthing experiences ended with cesareans, each for different reasons and I knew this was my last. Also not knowing how long I would be in each stage of labor and delivery.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    So many things...having an amazing birth team that included a group of midwives, a supportive OBGYN who met with me and signed off on my TOLAC, a doula who did craniosacral work to help me work through the trauma from my first birth (first time having a doula and I can’t recommend having one enough), an amazing massage therapist friend who did prenatal massage for me and ended up attending my birth. She was so supportive and jumped right in (she now wants to be a birth doula) and my incredible husband supporting me through it all!!! I also am surrounded in my life by so many incredibly supportive, strong, loving and kind women and I had each one of them with me in spirit as I turned inward on my birthing journey. They each were there holding me up and guiding me through each contraction.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That I did it!!! No induction this time, labor started on its own (pitocin with my first boy 12 years ago at 40+3 and castor oil with my second boy 6 years ago at 42 weeks) and I delivered my third boy at 41+1.

    After the struggles and lack of support in my previous labors and cesarean deliveries 6 and 12 years ago I was simply in awe of my experience this time from start to finish. It was surreal when I felt my sweet baby boy’s head crowing and then a minute later held him in my arms. At 41 years old to really feel labor at 3 AM and deliver my sweet Ezra at 12:26 PM with a natural, vaginal delivery...what a phenomenal experience!!!

  • My hope is that all laboring mamas be surrounded by love and support during labor, no matter how the journey plays out.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing in and focusing the breath toward where I needed the strength and energy.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back, the last push or two way far back so that baby couldn’t get under my pubic bone.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Completely surreal, I couldn’t believe he was here and in my arms and that we had done it! We were a great team through the process. I just kept saying “I can’t believe it, we really did it, I love him so much!” I kissed him and thanked him for all his hard work and told him we were a great team and that I loved him.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    All the fantastic information and reminders. I drank my red raspberry leaf tea, ate my dates, read my birth affirmations, watched Mama Natural’s birth classes with my husband, visualized my ideal start to labor (which happened), did craniosacral work with my doula and surrounded myself with people who believed in me.

    My hope is that all laboring mamas be surrounded by love and support during labor, no matter how the journey plays out.

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