Birth Stories

Being A Runner And Exercising Everyday Helped Deborah Achieve Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up at 11:30PM thinking I needed to use the restroom. Once I got out of bed, water ran down my leg! I figured out that my water had broken when I started having contractions every 15-20 minutes... it was time to have a baby!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I thought it would be challenging to have a natural birth in the hospital, but my nurses and doctor were so helpful and encouraging throughout my labor and delivery. I think they were impressed and amazed that I didn’t have any pain medicines throughout the entire day.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Exercise! I was a runner before becoming pregnant and I continued to run throughout my pregnancy. And when I couldn’t run, I walked everyday. I think that exercising everyday really helped me stay mentally prepared to endure labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I went into labor thinking it would be the most painful thing in my life and then when I was actually having contractions, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be! The contractions were not “painful” and I was able to focus on relaxing so well that I even fell asleep several times in between contractions, and even when I started pushing I was able to snooze in between. I never thought I would actually sleep while in labor!

  • Because this was my first birth, the class really helped me know what to expect, especially regarding the different interventions to be aware of and know when they are really needed or not.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The strategies that worked best for me were the shower and counter pressure on my back. I was in the shower as much as possible throughout labor. The hot water felt so good on my tummy and back whenever I had a contraction. I also had a lot of back labor, so my husband and mom would push on my back, sometimes with a heat pack, during contractions, which helped tremendously.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I ended up delivering on my back... as expected because I gave birth at the hospital. :)

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    All I could say was, “Oh my goodness!” I couldn’t believe that she was finally here and that she had actually been growing inside of my body for 9 months! And, I was so thankful to God for her!

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    Because this was my first birth, the class really helped me know what to expect, especially regarding the different interventions to be aware of and know when they are really needed or not.

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