When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was 41 weeks with what an ultrasound estimated the day prior to be a 10lb 2oz baby! I was intending to have a water birth in a low risk birthing unit located within the hospital's L&D ward (very similar to a birthing center...no interventions of any kind allowed), and I was quickly having more things pile up that would prevent me from doing so. I was only dilated to 2cm and "very thick", which I had been for the past week, with only intermittent mild contractions. So, with the advise of my doula and a doctor friend, I decided to give castor oil a try. I dropped my 2 year old daughter off at my sisters, went to the health food store and bought some castor oil and a fruit smoothie to wash it down and came home and took the plunge. I drank it (2 oz only) at about 1 pm, and by 3:30 it had started having it's "effect" :) Contractions started shortly after and at times were only 2 minutes apart but seemed to come and go with the frequency and intensity. I called my husband at 5 to make sure he was coming home soon, but the contractions were very manageable. We decided to call the hospital at about 6:30 to go in ( I still was not convinced that it was really happening, but I wanted to make sure we had a room in the birthing center unit--with my daughter the rooms were all full and we were bumped to a "regular" L&D room). By the time we got in the car and took the 20 minute drive to the hospital, my contractions had almost completely stopped. I was so discouraged! I thought that the castor oil had done all it was going to do and that was that. I was just praying that when they checked me, I would be at least 3 cm to show some progress and they would let me stay. When I was checked at about 8:00, I was surprised when my nurse told me I was 6 cm and very thin!! That's when I realized that this was really happening!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
No break at the end (transition) from the pain. I believe it was the most intense 20 minutes of my life.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
My previous delivery was a natural water birth as well, and my husband and I had taken a class on natural labor and delivery from the hospital that was very helpful. This time around, I reviewed the resources from the class and also read and watched a ton of birth stories. Also having a doula work with me was a huge blessing. Just sitting down and talking with her about fears/concerns that I had from my first birth was so helpful. Knowing that God was in control and taking comfort in Him was paramount!
What surprised you about your birth?
How fast it was and also how painful the last 20 minutes were! After my water broke at 7-8cm, the contractions came so fast and furious that I was physically out of breath at the end. Before my water broke, the contractions really were not that painful, just intense. I could still talk through them. After my water broke I thought I could not do it. Thankfully it was only 20 minutes from that time until he was born...the doctor didn't even make it in time! I was also surprised that pushing really didn't hurt (that was the thing I feared the most from my first birth).
I remember being overwhelmed with a feeling of thankfulness for the Lord's protection and how gracious He was to give me a fast and uncomplicated birth!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I labored by myself at home for the first couple of hours, so I would breathe, sway and change positions frequently. At the hospital the nurse suggested putting the birthing ball on the bed and leaning on it, sorta like hands/knees. I would also highly recommend laboring and birthing in the water! It was so great to be in the warm tub! Lots of focused breathing.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was on my hands and knees, not because I had intended to be, but because I could not move after my water broke. I delivered his head like that, and then one of his shoulders got stuck, so they quickly asked me to flip around onto my back so they could free it. The rest of his body came out within seconds.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Honestly it was surreal. I was a bit in shock and so was he! It took him a few seconds to take a breath, but when he started crying it was just a huge feeling of relief to be done. I remember being overwhelmed with a feeling of thankfulness for the Lord's protection and how gracious He was to give me a fast and uncomplicated birth!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
You can do it! Yes, it is painful, but God designed the body to give birth. Make sure you have a good support system! Hire a doula, you won't regret it. Do all the research you can to be informed about what you might experience, but don't let that information paralyze you with all of the what if's. At some point you just have to let go and trust God for the process and the outcome. Even if things don't end up the way you intended (epidural, c-section, whatever), experiencing the birth of a child is a miracle no matter what!