When did you realize you were really in labor?
I realized I was in labor about an hour after the contractions began. They continued when I changed positions or activity. This had not been the case for the previous week and a half, where the contractions would stop once I got out of bed or took a shower.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The most difficult part was how fast and intense transition was. By the end I felt like I could absolutely not do it. That was when I was checked and told I was 10 cm! Pushing made it bearable and gave me hope of the finish being close.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I prepared by meeting with my doula. I shared my concerns, fears, goals, and discussed position options. It helped me to feel more relaxed, supported, and confident because she would be there. I also ate dates the last month of pregnancy, just as I had in my first pregnancy. I was 6 cm upon admission, had 5.5 hours of labor, and my Dr broke my water, one push before my son was born. It was very similar to my first birth in that way.
What surprised you about your birth?
How much more aware I felt I was of his position. I knew he was ready to be pushed out. The time between the two contractions I pushed felt so so long and still I felt so calm waiting. I knew there was one more before hearing his first cry.
Be informed. Knowing what was going on, generally what to expect, and why natural was an ideal situation if possible was power. The factor of fear was removed because I had knowledge and support in the midst of labor.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Quiet. Absolute quiet, closing my eyes, breathing slowly through my mouth, thinking to myself how each contraction was very good and doing good work to bring my son.
I had to have both hands on my tummy.
When I would say, “I can’t do this”, my doula and husband reminded me I could, I was doing great, and had done it before.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I delivered laying on my right side. It was the most comfortable position at that time. I didn’t want to use my upper body at all. I felt so weak from the pain at that point. I felt I couldn’t concentrate unless I was laying down. I tried the bath tub just before, thinking it would be wonderful. After one contraction I knew it just wasn’t helping me, so I got in the bed on my side with some kind of bean looking ball my doula brought.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
It was great relief to hold him for the first time. I could finally see him and could start recovering.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Be informed. Knowing what was going on, generally what to expect, and why natural was an ideal situation if possible was power. The factor of fear was removed because I had knowledge and support in the midst of labor.