When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was having contractions for 3 days. I went to L&D Friday June 30th and was sent home. I went back to L&D Saturday July 1st and was admitted, but I was not dilating. So after 12 hrs of being at the hospital I was given the option to take Morphine to relax me and see if I was in real labor or to go home and if I felt things were progressing come back and be readmitted. I chose to go home. Sunday, July 2nd, I was laying in bed. It was about 1:50pm when I felt a slight trickle and looked at f my fiance and said "umm I think I may have peed a little. I then stood up out of bed and a big gush of water came flowing out. MY WATER BROKE! This was it... or so I thought. No matter what I knew I wasn't getting sent home.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
We headed right to L&D with the expectation that we would be holding our son within a couple hours. Unfortunately hours passed, contractions got stronger and stronger, but again I was making no progress when thinning or dilating. They decided to start Pitocin around 10pm and again we had our hopes up. We would be holding our baby boy soon. But, every time the doctor came in I had barely made any change. By midnight the contractions were unbearable and I was EXHAUSTED! I had finally dilated to 5cm, YES, 5cm is all! I got my epidural and boy was that a huge relief. By 10am July 3rd I had still only dilated to 6cm and was only 60% thinned. My sons heart rate was dropping every time I had a contraction so the doctor said we gave it our best effort to have a VBAC but it is in the best interest for my son and myself to do an emergency c-section. I was so upset, but this time I knew I would be meeting my beautiful baby boy very soon!
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I can't say I did much of anything to prepare for child birth.. well that actually helped anyway. Babies come when they are ready. We came try our best to prepare for how we feel the birth will go but every woman is different and every pregnancy is different.
What surprised you about your birth?
Even though this was my second child. I really expected things to progress very quickly after my water was broke. Apparently that's just in movies.
I can't say I did much of anything to prepare for child birth.. well that actually helped anyway. Babies come when they are ready. We came try our best to prepare for how we feel the birth will go but every woman is different and every pregnancy is different.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I tried different positions, walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, a pillow between my legs, up on all fours... I didn't have any relief doing any of those things. The epidural saved my life!
What position did you end up delivering in?
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I was only able to hold my son for a couple seconds in recovery before they took him to NICU because his heartbeat was 320! For that split second of holding him I felt so much love and relief. But when they take your child and you have no idea what's going on and you can't be by their side, it's the scariest feeling in the world! Thankfully my fiance went to NICU with our son. Our son has a common heart condition and was in NICU for 1 week but was able to come home he is currently on medicine to help keep his heart rate down and doctors say he should hopefully outgrow it within his first year.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Since I didn't get to go all natural, I have no advice to give mothers planning to go all natural other than do not feel like a wimp if you decide pain meds are needed. Everyone is different. Contractions were awful for me. No matter what you choose you will get the greatest out come ever, and that is your beautiful baby.