When did you realize you were really in labor?
It was dinner time when I had my first contraction, I didn't mention it to my husband because I wanted to take some time to settle into myself. I tried to rest and time my own contractions until around 2 am when I needed a little extra help. It was pretty funny, when I woke him up he was like "I'm sure it's nothing, babe. Get some sleep". After timing a few his expression totally changed and he was in the game with me.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Having the patience. Ford came at 41.5 weeks which was becoming mentally draining. I did end up getting an epidural at around 7-8 cm. We had been Laboring successfully but he was not dropping, caught up behind my pelvis and had turned sunny side up. This same thing happened when I had my daughter and the fear/pain cycle was building paired with exhaustion. My midwife suggested that the best thing would be to try some different positions then try and fall asleep. By the time I woke up, he had turned, dropped lower, and most of the medicine had worn off and I was able to successfully push him out with a clear mind and ample energy. I had been committed to a fully natural birth, but this was our path and it turned out perfect.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Hypnobirthing classes were wonderful, i really utilize the visualizations and breaths when we were in the final stage. Working out was invaluable. I trained with an incredible woman, @annie_tinker, who's a personal trainer who specializes in prenatal fitness AND she's a birth doula. The strength she helped me build made for a wonderful pregnancy, healthy delivery, and I'm bouncing back very quickly. My pelvic floor thanks her!!
What surprised you about your birth?
The joy. The unmeasurable amount of love and gratitude I felt towards my son when he arrived. The feeling of camaraderie, the teamwork it required between he and I to bring him here. I felt the magic with my daughter but the mind starts to forget. Remembering this electricity and feeling the instant connection is very, very powerful.
Trust your body, and trust your team. Set the intention and Prepare your mind and body. But be flexible in the moment.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I had back labor, so counter pressure from my husband was wonderful. Sitting on my birth ball on the back porch, with fresh air and hearing the chirping of birds and insects really got my mind clear.
What position did you end up delivering in?
On my back! If you can believe it. Turned out to be my most successful pushing position. His heart rate would drop if I was on either side for too long so it worked out well. I did stay on all fours for a while, stretching, moving, which ended up turning him into the correct position.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Like I'd found a new part of my heart, soul, and mind that had never been there.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Trust your body, and trust your team. Set the intention and Prepare your mind and body. But be flexible in the moment. First lesson of motherhood is learned in the delivery room: it's outside of your control and you can only do what you can do. Be kind to yourself and allow changes of course to happen if they need to.