When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was in prodromal labor, timing my irregular contractions since Sunday morning at 40 + 4. We tried everything those next couple days to try to jumpstart labor. My husband had said my whole pregnancy that he hoped our baby would be born on the 4th of July, as I was due on June 28. On Tuesday the 4th of July, at 40+6, my husband took me out on the golf cart while he golfed, thinking the bumpy ride might send me into labor. That night, almost immediately after getting home from the golf course, my contractions began to come in a pattern and after a few hours I knew it was time to head in to L&D.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I chose to have a natural hospital birth. I think the most difficult thing about it was that I was afraid I wouldn't be supported by the hospital staff and that I would be persuaded or pressured into interventions I didn't want when I was in a vulnerable state. However, the hospital I birthed at was wonderful and I was 100% supported in my natural birth.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Reading books about natural childbirth, particularly about natural hospital birth. The book I feel that really helped me was "Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds" by Cynthia Gabriel. I also found that writing down birth affirmations was really helpful towards the end of my pregnancy when I started to get nervous about my birth experience. I didn't even use the birth affirmations during labor, but the act of writing them down was really helpful to me and the words I had written kept running through my mind when I really needed them.
What surprised you about your birth?
How quick and easy it seemed to go. 9.5 hours felt like no time at all and I was truly prepared for natural labor to be much more difficult than it really was. Our bodies were made to do this and it's truly amazing how your body just takes over during labor. I was also surprised in the pushing stage, I was involuntarily pushing before they told me I was complete - I didn't even realize that was possible but my body knew what I needed to do. They checked me and I was complete and 3-4 pushes later, my girl was brought earthside ❤️
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I was bent over the bed or the tub the entirety of my labor, while my husband pushed on my back. That was honestly the only thing that relieved my pain. I don't necessarily even remember feeling any back labor, I think it was just the counter pressure combined with his touch that was comforting. Standing in the shower and being in the tub also helped a bit, but it was that constant counter pressure on my back during contractions that was the most helpful.
What position did you end up delivering in?
On the bed with the head of bed raised, I leaned over the back of the bed on my hands and knees.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Words can't even describe it. It was euphoric. Those next 2 hours it was like we were in our own little world with no concept of time or place. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I truly couldn't believe my husband and I had created this perfect being. I never knew I could ever love anything so much, but it was instinctive and beautiful. I felt like this was exactly where I was meant to be - she is truly my purpose in life. Like I had waited my whole life to meet her and she was finally here.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Believe in your body's ability to birth your baby. You can 100% do it - your body was made for this. One of my birth affirmations that really helped me get through was "The moment you feel like you can't do it anymore - that is when your baby is coming." The only point I truly felt I could not do it anymore, I said "I can't do this." And my doctor and husband both said "Yes you can, you're already doing it." 1 more push and my baby was in my arms. You are capable of more than you realize - believe you can do it and you can!