When did you realize you were really in labor?
So I went to my 39 week doctor appointment on 5/18 and, on my request, had a cervical check. I was only dilated less than 2cm, so I thought that meant no baby till at least around his due date, 5/27.
I had also begun to lose the mucus plug but didn't think much of it.
The next day I started getting prodromal labor, but again didn't think much of it, knowing that as a FTM it could be several days still.
Three days later I started having harder contractions around 12 noon that day and began timing them, they started out with varied times of as much as 6-8min, so I thought "early labor!" I suspected I was leaking from my water breaking but it was so little at a time I was unsure. I contacted my husband around 2 as he was getting off work and he came straight home.
I labored at home for almost 7hrs and then told my hubby we should probably head to the hospital at the contractions were only 2-4 min apart and stronger.
We checked in at about 7:30pm and after being checked for dilation, I was already about 7cm and dilated to 9cm within half an hour! My doula had arrived when I was already 9cm and in transition. No one could believe it because I was still smiling, talking, and laughing between contractions. Both my doula and hubby supported me with labor positions, affirmations, and massages through transition.
By 10pm I was pushing baby out but he was having a hard time getting out, so despite my labor positions of squatting, etc, I still tore pretty badly and bled out pretty badly. The doctor was quick to sew me up to minimize blood loss, but unfortunately I still needed a blood transfusion and oxygen due to my deep perineum (sp?) tear.
At 11:08 on 5/22, Jeremiah was born! The placenta came out quickly on its own and other than local anesthetics for my tear I did not have any meds, epidural, IV, etc other than a post birth IV for lost fluids (and the blood transfusion later). Even the nurses were very sweet and cheering me on, saying how awesome I did. Hubby and my doula were super proud as well. :)
Baby latched on right away and started to soil diapers and wet them like a champ. :)
Baby Jer was a bit jaundiced, so he and I have had to some stay extra time for his UV treatments, but otherwise he's a healthy boy! :)
So proud that I stayed med free though for me and my little one! :)
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
The time I was in transition was the hardest, but I kept telling myself "it's only for a couple minutes" with each contraction.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Having a doula and reading up on natural labor were the smartest things I did to prepare.
What surprised you about your birth?
That it was somewhat fast and other than transition I was powering through it pretty easily with my affirmations and the comfort of my hubby and doula helping me and massaging my back.
I kept telling myself "it's only for a couple minutes" with each contraction.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
What position did you end up delivering in?
Squating/semi laying down.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Wonderful and just special...hard to describe.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
The pain is for a short time and then it's over. With a strong support team and affirmations you can power through it no matter if it's at home, a birth center, or hospital.