Birth Stories

Hypnobabies and Eating Well Helped Kate During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    This was my fourth pregnancy. I have always had lots of (very realistic) contractions for weeks leading up to my births, so knowing when labor is actually starting has always been tricky for me. I woke up at 1am with some contractions. This was very different than my previous labors (my others began in early evening with babies born between 9pm and 2 am). The contractions were also different than ones I had previously--instead of a tightening all over my abdomen, I could feel them at the base of my cervix. They were spaced-out, every 10-15 minutes, but they were there. After an hour or so, I decided to start getting ready to leave for the hospital, figuring that if the contractions continued I would wake up my husband, doula and childcare provider. Around 2:30am, the contractions were still happening, so we decided to pull the trigger and wake everybody up! I drank some water with Trilight Health's Start Up just to give my body a little oomph before we got to the hospital.

    On the way to the hospital I was nervous. What if they told me I wasn't actually in labor and sent me home? They sent a nurse down with a wheelchair to bring us to the Labor and Delivery floor, but I told her I wanted to walk instead. She looked at me as though I were crazy (or else not in labor!) When we arrived at Labor and Delivery, another nurse told me she thought they might send us home if labor wasn't far enough along. However, when they checked me, I was five centimeters dilated. That confirmed for me that I was really in labor--we would meet our baby that day!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    We live in Alabama, a state that is behind many others in acknowledging evidence-based practices and that (at the time) provided no lawful out-of-hospital options for birth. For me, the most challenging aspect of a natural birth was finding a care provider that I could trust and emotional support. Every mother I spoke to in my final weeks of pregnancy asked when I would be induced or have a scheduled c-section. It could be pretty alienating to be doing things so differently. But I knew the choices we made were right for me and our baby.

    As far as the actual labor and delivery went, everything went smoothly and beautifully. The biggest hurdle was that my labor slowed down between reaching 10 centimeters and the pushing stage for over an hour. I was so tired at that point, and the labor was already two hours longer than my longest labor. It was hard not knowing how much longer we had to go. I finally got to a point where I wanted to have my cervix checked and was considering getting an epidural so I could lie down and sleep for a bit. My son used that moment to kick me really hard and rupture the bag of waters. He was born about fifteen minutes after that!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Hypnobabies and eating well! I actually took a Hypnobabies class in preparation for my third pregnancy, and although I didn't practice it regularly with this pregnancy, I believe the cues I learned two years earlier were still in my brain somehow. I was able to remain calm, happy and focused throughout the labor.

    As far as diet is concerned, I had major cravings for oranges during the last half of the pregnancy. I indulged that craving daily, and had tons of Vitamin C. The midwife that delivered our baby said Vitamin C may have led to our bag of waters being so strong--it definitely made managing contractions much easier to have the bag in tact!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I had an inkling this was going to be my biggest baby from the beginning. I showed so early, and my stomach was so big for how far along I was. I wondered if a bigger baby would mean a longer labor. Both proved to be correct--our little boy was nine pounds, 3 oz (our biggest by over 1/2 a pound), and the labor took 10 and a half hours (3 and a half hours longer than our other labors).

    Overall, it was such a wonderful experience. I am so happy our final birth went so well.

  • Do your research and your preparation. Find a supportive caregiver and trust that your body knows what it is doing!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I labored in the tub for most of active labor, getting out towards transition. I kept the room dark and listened to music that inspired me. Finally, I stayed focused on each contraction and relaxed as fully as I could between contractions.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered standing up and leaning over the bed. That is just the position my body prefers!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?


  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research and your preparation. Find a supportive caregiver and trust that your body knows what it is doing!

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