When did you realize you were really in labor?
I was nine days past official due date, and my midwife had done a membrane sweep the day before. I had a few crampy contractions that night, but nothing I couldn't sleep through. The next morning, I was feeling them more and stronger. I started timing them around 9am, and by noon I was telling my husband that it was time to get ready to go to the hospital. The contractions were getting VERY intense and were only 3 minutes apart. He didn't really believe me. My first labor lasted almost two days, with the first 24 hours laboring at home. We wanted to labor at home as long as possible, so I had to do everything I could to convince my husband it was time to go.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
When we arrived at the hospital, they had to check me in. That seemed to take forever, and I had to lay on my back on the bed while they did it. I wanted to move around. Moving around and changing positions was so much better than lying on my back stuck in bed. I think I was close to transition at that point, and my water broke while they were trying to put the saline lock in.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I read a lot of natural birth stories. My husband and I discussed his role and what he should say to me when I inevitably asked for the epidural. I told him to remind me of the positive side-effects of going natural and the negative side-effects of epidurals and pitocin. It worked, and without my husband, I might have caved in.
What surprised you about your birth?
The amount of pain during transition was almost more than I could stand. At one point, I told my husband I was sure I was going to die. He reassured me that I was fine. Very soon after that, I was pushing. It surprised me how much pushing relieved the pain. As soon as my daughter was born, the pain almost completely disappeared. I'm surprised and proud that I was able to go through it completely natural, and I let my body do what it was made to do.
Prepare yourself mentally. Prepare your partner. Be very specific to your doctor, midwife, partner, etc.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Focusing on breathing through the pain. When I would start to focus on the pain, my husband would remind me to breathe, keep my face relaxed, and he applied counter-pressure to my lower back. All of those things helped get me through each contraction. I just took them one at a time, and I made it through.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I started on my hands and knees. We moved to laying on my left side, then my right-- but neither of those were working for me. I ended up in an almost seated position on my back with legs in stirrups for the final few pushes.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Indescribable happiness and love. Completely amazing.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Prepare yourself mentally. Prepare your partner. Be very specific to your doctor, midwife, partner, etc. about what you want, what they can do for you, what to say and not to say to you. Believe in yourself. Take it one contraction at a time. Breathe, relax your face, move around. Remember how many mothers have done it before you, and remember how amazing you'll feel when it's over.