When did you realize you were really in labor?
My husband and I had just gone to bed around midnight. I hadn't yet fallen asleep and noticed that I started to have contractions that seemed to be at regular intervals. I reached for my phone bedside and started timing my contractions under the covers so the light wouldn't disturb my husband. I timed three contractions and sure enough they were already coming about five minutes apart! I gently woke up my husband and told him I was in labor- he nearly jumped out of bed!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
One challenge is trusting your body while fighting fatigue, especially if you go into labor before getting a night's rest as was my case. I could feel the fatigue and had to push the feeling way out of my mind and body to finish pushing my baby out. It was a test of mental fortitude.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I took several steps to prepare my mind and body. Physically, I participated in water aerobics (40 weeks), walked, and took barre class (35 weeks) Up until the end. I also got massage throughout and acupuncture to induce labor once I was 40 weeks.
Mentally, I read Ina May, MamaNatutal blog and emails, took a birth class with my partner, and listened to Hypnobabies birth affirmations daily. I build up my plan by telling myself daily how I wanted my birth to go regardless of what others told me or tried to say to scare me.
What surprised you about your birth?
I found labor and birth to be easier than I thought. For me, i found that moving and using counter pressure during contractions alleviated the pressure while allowing me to move forward with birthing.
I was surprised by how physical the pushing stage was and felt that the highest amount of discomfort was when crowning, which was quite short in duration. Then again, my baby was 9 lbs 4 oz at birth! I found it critical to breathe deeply as in yoga even when pushing in order go deeper into your ability to engage key muscles without cutting off oxygen to your body.
Just do it! Prepare your mind and body- especially your mind! There is so much negativity out there about birth but if you visualize and tell yourself what you want, nothing can stop you!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
A warm bath and counter pressure were my saviors! Also, reciting positive birth affirmations provided the mental guidance.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Incline on my back- I tried in a reverse position but found that I could not get enough core engagement to push hard enough to get baby to crown.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
AMAZING! it was surreal and so rewarding to know that my partner and I had created a beautiful life to grow and nurture.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Just do it! Prepare your mind and body- especially your mind! There is so much negativity out there about birth but if you visualize and tell yourself what you want, nothing can stop you!