Birth Stories

Her Mental Attitude Helped Cianthé During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was a weird day. It was Friday the 13th, and the whole day people were just off and on edge. I had went in for my normal check up and was sent to Labor and delivery, because my amniotic fluid was low. The day brought extra mamas into Labor and Delivery, and the nurses must have felt overwhelmed. Because when I got there, they were not hiding their feelings. Asking why would the Dr. send me here, my fluids were low but not "abnormal". Now at this point, I start feeling contractions, about 6-8 minutes apart. They were coming on strong! But the nurses were trying to tell me, OOOOH, ITS JUST FALSE LABOR, A BLADDER INFECTION COULD JUST BE BRINGING THESE ON!!! So they release me, at 3 centimeters and contractions 7 minutes apart, saying im not in active labor...might be a few more days????? I start crying, and now im upset. I tell the Dr. I am in pain and that if im low on fluid I dont want to risk getting an infection, so why release me? As im walking out, I have a huge contraction, they just starred at me and continued to walk me out!!!! Ok... well my husband says, "Honey why don't we feed you and see how you feel after?" At the restaurant the contractions were coming on even stronger and 5 minutes apart. But I said to my husband, "Well I guess im having "bladder infection" contractions??? If I go back they will just turn me away!!!" So we go home and as we are adding items to our hospital bag, my contractions are now 1 minute apart and im in excruciating pain!!!! Pain I have never felt in my life and this was my 3rd baby, well 4th, since I naturally passed my miscarriage. But only 2-3 hours passed since leaving the L&D! I couldn't stand to hear one more time that these were false contractions and then sent away, AGAIN!!!! But I couldn't take the pain anymore and just told my husband that if these arent real, then they could at least give me something for the pain. Even when we arrived and I called ahead, they didnt act with urgency!!! Until I had to start getting a little more loud and then finally someone comes in casually...asking questions!??? (Hi Mrs. Shelby! What brings you into Labor and Delivery?) Im like I THINK YOU BETTER CHECK ME!!!! SOMETHING IS WIGGLING ITS WAY DOWN MY CANAL!!!!! The nurse checks and she JUMPS...OH MY!!!! YOU ARE 8CM ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I was in labor

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I would say the most challenging thing about going natural was the 3 hours I laid in bed and went from 3cm to 8cm. Any position I changed into did not work. I was getting tired, sweaty, and getting frustrated from the pain! The breathing you were taught and positions you prepared for just went out the door for me. The pain was here and nothing I did could relieve it, obviously...hehe

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My mental attitude! Being ready and prepared for anything to happen. I trained myself to be smart about the situation, to be open if anything unexpected came up, and to not let the medical staff change my mind on my choices!!! To stand firm!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fast I did dilate without the help of pitocin and staying off epidural. It was true what they said!

  • It was so worth it to go through temporary pain to have a lifetime with your baby!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing for me! Not any position for me.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Normal hospital bed with stir ups.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing! I had 2 girls prior, and this time I had a boy! I was in love all over again. But I was making sure I sulked in every moment, because this was my last baby and he was my baby boy!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I've heard mamas say it all the time- YOU CAN DO IT!!! You don't realize how strong you are until it happens! It was true... I wont sugar coat it, or make it sound like something it is not! Having a baby is the most amazing experience a woman can go through. Depending on each woman individually, if she can mentally prepare her mind and then her body to go natural, she wont regret it. With my first 2, I had pitocin and an epidural, and there is nothing with that. However, I did labor longer, 14-18 with each baby. As opposed to 5 hours and 2 pushes with my last. It was not easy, I felt every second of pain. But, I'd do it again without other sources of help and in the end, it was so worth it to go through temporary pain to have a lifetime with your baby!

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