How to Swaddle a Baby the Right Way (Photos & Videos)

Plus, learn why some babies shouldn’t be swaddled and what to do when it’s time to stop swaddling baby.

Here’s the best way to swaddle a baby. Plus which babies you SHOULDN’T swaddle, and when you should stop swaddling. Get expert swaddling tips & tricks here.

For a new mama, learning how to swaddle a baby can seem like some secret jujitsu that only nurses and midwives have mastered. I remember watching the nurses swaddle our first baby at the birth center and marveling at their skilled hands. And yet, when I tried to swaddle our son, he’d break free in a matter of minutes.

But soon my husband and I got the hang of it. And we learned two key things:

  1. There is a swaddle for every baby (blanket swaddle and swaddling clothes) and for every mama (who knew zippers could be involved?)
  2. With some helpful tips for swaddling success, you too can swaddle like a pro!

Three Ways to Swaddle a Baby

For a very long time I was under the impression there was only one way to swaddle a newborn. The diamond swaddle was the only technique I knew.

Luckily, for those of us who like to have options, there are three excellent swaddling techniques. Life is not the same every day, our time and patience for day-to-day operations of motherhood changes, and so can our swaddling techniques.

1. The diamond swaddle

  1. Lay a blanket down on a safe, flat place for baby in a diamond shape/position with the top-most corner folded down 4-6 inches for baby’s head.
  2. Lay baby down on their back in the center of the blanket with their neck on the folded corner.
  3. Pull the left side over and snugly tuck under baby, making sure to keep baby’s hips loose. Never pull their legs straight or force their joints, as this could cause hip dysplasia.
  4. Pull the bottom corner up and over baby’s left shoulder and then wrap the last corner all the way around baby. Tuck into the little blanket pocket you’ve created on their front.
How to Swaddle a Baby – the Diamond swaddle – Mama Natural


It’s okay if your baby swaddle doesn’t look picture-perfect the first time, or the second time, or even the third time. Take a breath, take your time, and keep trying. Your baby might be crying, and you’ll want to cry too, because you can’t get their little arms to stay in, but you will get it. Remember, many babies calm down once they feel that security in the swaddle.

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2. Square swaddle or quick swaddle

If the diamond swaddle isn’t for you, don’t worry, there are other ways.

  1. Lay a blanket down in a safe, flat place for baby in a square shape/position folding the top right corner down about 4-6 inches for baby’s head.
  2. Lay baby down on their back on the blanket with their neck at the top of the fold; baby will be diagonal across the blanket.
  3. Pull the right side over and snugly tuck under baby (always making sure they have frog legs/loose hips).
  4. Pull the left side over, and snugly tuck under baby.
  5. Tuck the bottom of the blanket behind baby and you’re good to go.

Similar to this illustration, except tucking the bottom of blanket behind your baby.

How to Swaddle a Baby – the Square swaddle – Mama Natural


3. Sleep sack swaddle

Looking for an even faster option? This method involves a special sleep sack swaddle, but once you’ve got one it’s super simple.

  1. Put baby in sleep sack like you would a onesie or footie pajamas
  2. Zip sleep sack
  3. Wrap and velcro

These steps will vary depending on which product you purchase and prefer. We will show you some of our favorites later on in this article. Whether you don’t have enough time or want the simplicity of not having to wrap baby “just so,” a sleep sack is a fine option.

How to Swaddle a Baby – the sleep sack swaddle – Mama Natural

Here are some of the best swaddling clothes:

  • Aden + anais muslin swaddle plus is a light-weight 100% natural cotton muslin that’s great for diamond swaddling or the square swaddle. Lilbaby is similar to the Aden and Anais swaddle, but uses 100% organic cotton muslin and is less expensive.
  • Woombie is cult classic, one-zip option that many parents swear by.
  • The Miracle Blanket Swaddle is 100% cotton and gives parents control in wrapping up their baby without the headache of coordinating corners.
  • This is an excellent and affordable velcro option, while Halo Sleepsack has a winter weight option for those living in colder climates.
  • This Anna & Eve Swaddle Strap is only for baby’s arms and can be versatile for any weather. It doesn’t run the risk of impacting baby’s hips either, though it admittedly looks a little like a baby straight-jacket!
  • As baby is transitioning out of swaddling, the Zipadee-Zip is a good option.


Why Do Babies Benefit From Swaddling?


Babies have a startle reflex (also known as a Moro reflex) which can wake them from an otherwise peaceful sleep. Keeping your baby’s arms bound in a swaddle can prevent this reflex from waking them up.


Swaddling also keeps your newborn warm and reminds him or her of the comforting confines of the womb (it’s a big adjustment moving out of a one bedroom apartment into a mansion). Swaddling can help with the transition to life outside of their mother.


Additionally, keeping tiny baby mittens over the razor-sharp fingernails babies are born with is not easy. Swaddling can keep them from scratching their beautiful tiny face.

All of these calming benefits can also prepare baby for sleep.

Does Swaddling Work for All Babies?

Some children will resist swaddling like the plague. At the same time, you want to try several different swaddles before giving up completely; but bottom line, some children will not be comforted by a swaddle—never force it to work.

It’s also important to note that a swaddle is not appropriate for:

  • Co-sleeping babies, because they cannot move covers from their face or alert their parents when they are too close
  • Babies who can roll over
  • Babies at a higher risk of SIDS
  • Babies in hot environments (especially homes without air conditioning), as baby could be dangerously overheated

If your baby does not like being swaddled, try the sleep sack option, as the tight restrained feeling might be what your baby is resisting. Never put baby to bed with loose bedding or blankets, as this is a suffocation risk. 

When to Stop Swaddling?

It’s important to remember that swaddling is not recommended once baby can roll over, as the blanket begins to pose a risk for suffocation. Many parents stop swaddling baby after one month when she begins to hold her head up.

Swaddling will inhibit motor development beginning around two months. This is when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents stop swaddling. When baby is more active during tummy time, that is a good indicator that they are outgrowing the swaddle.

What to Do When Baby Outgrows the Swaddle

When babies first outgrow the swaddle, somewhere between 2-3 months of age, the transition may be a bit challenging. Since baby is used to being snug as a bug, normal movement may wake them up at first and cause a bit of a sleep regression. Here are some things you can try:

Transition swaddle

Try a transition swaddle. My daughter went from waking herself up constantly to sleeping through the night again.

Slowly reducing swaddle

You could also try slowly transitioning baby out of the traditional swaddle over the course of a week or so. Start by leaving just one arm out of the swaddle. A few nights later, remove the other arm from the swaddle.

Remember, all babies develop at different rates. If your baby is still waking him/herself up multiple times per night, wait a week and try again. 

Wearable blanket

Once baby has mastered sleeping with both arms out of the swaddle, they can sleep in their pajamas or in a wearable blanket like this one. Either way is perfectly fine, but some mamas and papas swear the wearable blanket helps their baby sleep. Do what works for you!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. how to swaddle a baby

  2. Quote “ Houses without air conditioning can get too hot”. How insular this person must be. Many parts of the world don’t need air conditioning even in the height of summer. People live in countries that simply don’t get hit.
    Most people in temperate climates don’t need air conditioning. A fan and open windows with screens are enough for hot weather.
    Of course mother’s will know not to swaddle a baby if it’s very hot. But you can’t tell us it’s not safe if we don’t have air conditioning.
    Air conditioning is awful for our health, I raised two babies in a vet hot country and know how high the Ear nose and throat specialist bills cost. I hate living with it.
    But luckily like most of the world outside of the tropics I don’t have to.
    Where ever this author lives they need to travel and recognise that the world is a big place. Most of it hasn’t got air conditioning. Yet babies survive. Even in terrible conditions.

  3. My baby is 3 months old, she has started to break her swaddles trying to get her hands out. She does this in the second half of night around 3:00 a.m, could this be a sign that I should stop swaddle her? When it is recommended to stop swaddling baby?

  4. Great article!

    I was just wondering, then, what the alternative would be to swaddling for cosleeping with the baby?

    • Maybe a sleep sack.

  5. Wow, I had no idea there are so many options! I’m following Susan Ubran’s tips from her book and there are tips for newborn. Swaddling is one of them, and there are even some drawings. Although I’m changing the swaddle sheet now and it’s much bigger so your method will be super helpful! Thank you!

  6. Fantastic article! Thank you! Do you have any advice on what to do if your baby strongly resists swaddling but still has flailing arms that keep them awake (and whack them in the head) when not held. It was easier when he was younger but now he is 10 weeks old and is physically convulsing to get out of a Muslin swaddle wraps and when we use the swaddle up bag, it works but only for a short time before he becomes frustrated with that too and the convulsing, writhing and grunting begins to break free. The poor darling is just so much more comfortable unswaddled but those arms flying around make it impossible for him to sleep. Any advice would be welcome! Thanks again for a great article.

  7. This is an excellent article! Such important information, and humorous as well ! My son and his wife are expecting their first baby any day! We live across the ocean from each other. The one thing I want to share with them is the importance of swaddling. I came across this article, and it’s perfect for me to share with them! Thank you so much! ❤

  8. I have a big problem with swaddling. Though it is important for the babies but when I swaddle my baby he get rashes on his body. Everytime it happens while I swaddle him. I don’t know if it’s his physical problem or the cloth that I use for swaddling.

    • Try a thin muslin cloth, preferably organic.

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