Birth Stories

Taking Time To Read and Choose Verses That Spoke To Her For This Particular Pregnancy Helped Moira During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Labor began at about 11 pm on Wednesday night, right after I had assured family and friends that we still had time before baby girl would be making her arrival.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I guess the pain was challenging. Honestly though, this labor went so quickly I'm pretty confident that if I had been planning an epidural, I wouldn't have had time for one anyway. I have had one medicated birth and two natural ones. I love the experience of natural birth and feel so empowered afterward that I wouldn't trade the pain for it.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I memorized scripture before the birth. I took time to read and choose verses that spoke to me for this particular pregnancy. Then during contractions, I would make my brain focus on remembering the verses rather than focus on the pain.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Baby girl was born so quickly I almost has to catch her myself! I had sat still for almost an hour as my nurses tried to get my IV fixed. During that time I apparently transitioned from 6 cm to fully dilated even though contractions stayed 5 minutes apart and I managed to be calm and still. So when the nurse left (to get me a popsicle as a reward to myself for surviving the IV) and I stood up allowing gravity to do its thing, there was nothing holding her back. No more than 10 or 15 minutes after I stood up, I felt my body pushing and her crowning. We shouted for a nurse who rushed in just in time to catch her like a quarterback catching a snap as my water broke all over the floor. It was super dramatic. I've never wanted a birth video or photos, but I wish I could see that from a spectator's perspective.

  • Be committed and prepared to go natural. You wouldn't go run a marathon and expect to finish without having trained before. Read and research and know why you want this. At one point of feeling like I wanted to quit, I looked at my hospital bracelet and saw my name. I thought, "Darn it, I know who I am and what I want and I can do this."
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The best strategies for me were movement, intentional breathing, and meditation on scripture. I also used music early on in labor.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered standing up and holding onto my husband for support.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Fantastic, but also surprising. I hadn't realized I was close to the end of labor until she was almost out. I was still in shock of her delivery.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Be committed and prepared to go natural. You wouldn't go run a marathon and expect to finish without having trained before. Read and research and know why you want this. At one point of feeling like I wanted to quit, I looked at my hospital bracelet and saw my name. I thought, "Darn it, I know who I am and what I want and I can do this."

    Still, be gentle with yourself if labor doesn't go the way planned. All we can do try our best in each moment and that goes for every aspect of parenting.

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(without leaving your couch)

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