When did you realize you were really in labor?
3am in the morning I woke up with strane cramps. I immediately knew it had started.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Letting go of the thinking mind, letting go of controlling the situation and trusting your body and baby are doing exactly what they should be doing.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Staying physically fit and keeping a positive mood. The first 7 months I went to a gym and worked with a trainer to stay and get stronger in my arms and legs. Until the end i I kept going for swims and walks.
What surprised you about your birth?
How quickly I would forget the pain of each contraction in between I would feel fine and almost forget what they feel like until 3 minutes later they would start again . And how the time goes by so fast. Before I knew it 18 hours had passed.
Trust yourself and your baby. It will certainly not go exactly as you planned. Just do your best. Your body is made to do this. And if it does not go according to plan and you and the baby need some extra help then you're in safe hands. But at least try to birth naturally. I am so happy with the experience even though she was not going to come out by herself , at least I gave it a good shot.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I used a range to rase the pain of the contractions: a TENS machine on my lower back, a blend of essential oils, rubbing my lower back by birth support partner, bath, holding a ball.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Unfortunately the labour did not progress well. I had very slow dilation so after 18 hours the midwife suggested to administer oxytocin and add an epidural. And when that did not progress either, the obstetrician was called in after 25 hours.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I was very focused on all the people around me in the ops theater almost checking that they were doing their job correctly. But once they put her next to me I forgot everything around me. A magical moment.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Trust yourself and your baby. It will certainly not go exactly as you planned. Just do your best. Your body is made to do this. And if it does not go according to plan and you and the baby need some extra help then you're in safe hands. But at least try to birth naturally. I am so happy with the experience even though she was not going to come out by herself , at least I gave it a good shot.