When did you realize you were really in labor?
I had been working through surges (contractions) most of Monday and Tuesday but very manageable using relaxation techniques we learned in our Hypnobirthing course. Then about 5:00pm on Tuesday I noticed the surges getting stronger and told my husband it was time to call the Midwife Office and see if they will check my progress so I can decide to keep laboring at home or if it's time to head to the hospital.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Keeping the fear out of your head. Today's society surrounds pregnant women with images and stories of labor being this horrible act. I found focusing on body positive affirmations, such as "My Body was Made for This" and "Inhale Peace, Exhale Love", kept my mind out of the fear zone.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Choosing from the very beginning (week 11 of pregnancy) that I wanted to go natural and attending a Hypnobirthing course-in my first trimester-was the best decision ever. It gave me many weeks to prepare my mind and body for the big day of Landry's arrival.
What surprised you about your birth?
I remember thinking "I don't even know when a women would ask for pain medication". Not that I didn't feel anything but the surges would come and go like waves and having that time in between to re-focus my breathing and relax my body was very beneficial.
You will have times throughout your pregnancy where fear of the unknown creeps in. Validate that feeling and remind yourself that you were made special to birth your beautiful babe. Love always conquers fear-work hard to surround yourself with love and support.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
I listen to the Rainbow Relaxation meditation tape all the way through my labor. Utilizing rhythmic breathing, my husband & doula massaging my hands and legs, as well as visualization.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was prepared to try various positions but laying on my side and back worked balest for me-throughout all stages of labor. I was on my back throughout the final stage.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Magical. I've wanted to be a Mama for so long I couldn't believe my dream has come true. Even more amazing was that I achieved my goal of a natural birth for my son and I.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
You will have times throughout your pregnancy where fear of the unknown creeps in. Validate that feeling and remind yourself that you were made special to birth your beautiful babe. Love always conquers fear-work hard to surround yourself with love and support.