Birth Stories

Telling People Her Plan To Go Natural Helped Kasey During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Unfortunately, due to low fluid count I had to be induced with a Foley balloon and Cervadil. It was not part of my natural birth plan, but the health of my baby was more important. Luckily, both things worked really well in preparing my body and were able to be removed after a few hours and I continued with labor naturally. My midwife thought labor would stop or slow down once they were removed, but it actually accelerated and my labor ended up being fairly short.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging part was not knowing how and when the contractions would get worse and if they would ever become unbearable. This was my second pregnancy and the first I resorted to an epidural, so I was afraid it would happen again. My labor was fortunately quick and I didn't have a lot of time to contemplate meds.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The most helpful thing for me was telling people my plan to go natural. I'm a stubborn person and the whole time I kept thinking I didn't want to tell people I failed! I also prepared by talking to other natural mamas. The most helpful thing I was told prior to my labor was a friend who said every contraction she pictured her baby coming out and being placed on her chest and how it helped her through each one. Toward the end of each contraction when it became almost unbearable, I resorted to the same thought and it helped me get past each one.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That the pushing was actually a relief. After going through transition, pushing was a welcome change. Until the actual crowning of the baby, I was comfortable during most of the pushing.

  • Just keep in mind there is no memory for pain. Shortly after you finish delivering you will only feel love and the pain will have been quickly forgotten. Think of all the women in the world who don't have access to medication and all the women of the past who did it all naturally!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I had back labor from a posterior baby and there wasn't much I could do to relieve that pain. I labored some what on a birthing ball, but the most comfortable position was hands and knees to get pressure off of my back. I also pulled my hair during each contraction which helped distract me (although did not make for good pictures after delivery?).

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered on my back which I was not happy about because it felt unnatural to me, but my legs were too exhausted to hold me up anymore after laboring on my knees for several hours. I requested a mirror to help me push and I'm glad I did l, because towards the end of pushing my baby's heartbeat dropped and the midwife said she might have to do an episiotomy (which is another reason I didn't want to labor on my back especially since I had one my first delivery and knew how terrible they were), so I was able to push the baby out with the next contraction by staring at the mirror.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    The feeling of love is truly unexplainable. No one can understand it until they've been through it. It's incredible and overwhelming and the best feeling in the world.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Just keep in mind there is no memory for pain. Shortly after you finish delivering you will only feel love and the pain will have been quickly forgotten. Think of all the women in the world who don't have access to medication and all the women of the past who did it all naturally! Think of every single animal that does it naturally. The woman's body is remarkable and can bounce back from a lot! Also remember the most important thing is a healthy baby and a healthy mama and if you can't follow your natural plan exactly, it's okay. I beat myself up after my first labor and delivery for not being able to follow my plan, but I got a beautiful and healthy daughter out of it so that's all that mattered. I cried when I was told I needed to be induced with this latest pregnancy, but it ended up being a great birth and I'm so happy with how it went. So sometimes things go awry, but it doesn't mean you aren't a natural mama!!

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