Birth Stories

Going To The Chiropractor and Doing Squats Helped Tina During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My almost 2-year old (birthday was the next day) woke me up to nurse. At 7:05 I felt a back contraction. I had been having Braxton Hicks for 3 weeks when I spent time on my feet, but I was lying down and this one felt different. I started timing them and they didn't stop! I called my husband and mom and took care of some details and headed to the birth center!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Those last contractions before switching to pushing contractions are really hard. Especially not knowing how much longer you have to have them. But just as it was getting really hard to keep my body relaxed through contractions, they started to switch over.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    To prepare, going to the chiropractor and squats! The chiropractor helped keep me aligned and seriously helped with pelvic pain I had midway through pregnancy. The squats I feel helped open up and strengthen my pelvic floor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How much quicker it was than my first. My first, I labored for 20 hours, this one was only 8. I pushed for 2 hours with my first and with this one, I felt his head start to decend on about the third push. It didn't take that many more pushes before I had my sweet boy in my arms!

  • You can do this. Our bodies were made to do this. Educate yourself and your partner. Learn about deep breathing and relaxing through contractions. Find someone you can trust who is informed and can support you and advocate for you in labor and delivery. That person can be a family member, significant other, midwife, or doula. Don't be afraid to say how you're feeling and put yourself and your baby first of need be, even if it offends others or isn't the "standard procedure". You've got this Mama
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For the earlier contractions, walking or pacing helped. As they got stronger, leaning my head and arms against something and bouncing on my toes. Then my husband provided counter pressure to my back with each contraction until switching to pushing contractions. I also focused on relaxing my body with each contraction and not fighting it. Being in the water tub helped too.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    We had another water birth, so a leaned -back squat. My husband was behind me in the tub, supporting me under my arms.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Incredible! You can't put it into words. He was there. He was beautiful. He was crying and so alive. His hips took three pushes, so I was relieved he was out for that reason too! My husband was the first to see see and announce he was a boy. It was perfect.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do this. Our bodies were made to do this. Educate yourself and your partner. Learn about deep breathing and relaxing through contractions. Find someone you can trust who is informed and can support you and advocate for you in labor and delivery. That person can be a family member, significant other, midwife, or doula. Don't be afraid to say how you're feeling and put yourself and your baby first of need be, even if it offends others or isn't the "standard procedure". You've got this Mama

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