Birth Stories

Assuring Herself That She Could Get Through Anything Helped Cara During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After several weeks thinking that I might have been in labor, I woke up starving at 5am and realized I was having contractions pretty regularly. And they felt a lot more painful and real than the previous ones I was having. We decided to head to the hospital at 7am.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I'm not always the most patient person. After the contractions were really intense for an hour or two, during transition in the birthing pool, I started to feel like I wasn't sure how much longer I could do it. And thankfully, not too long after that point, I felt like I needed to push, and out he came at 4:17pm.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Just assure myself that I could get through anything and try to make sure I had the best support system available to me in my time of need. I had my husband and my mom in the room. But my mom sort of sat in the corner and cried while she video recorded the whole birth. Haha. I guess watching your baby have a baby is emotional.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that my third child within three years took so long to get here! My first baby came at 38 weeks and 3 days after 36 hours in the hospital; my second baby came at 39 weeks and 4 days after 8 hours in the hospital; my third baby came at 40 weeks and 1 day after almost 9 hours in the hospital. It's also surprising how much less you care who sees every part of you when it's your third baby.

  • You really have to commit. Because once you start, you can't really change your mind. It's hard, but it takes determination. If you put your mind to it you can do it, and when you feel like you are at the end of what you can handle, hang in there, because the end is sooo close, don't give up! You are made for this, mama! Rock those hips and stay relaxed and breathe.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I was in the birthing pool, which I think helps a lot to take some of the pressure off of your body, and just had to take each contraction one at a time and breathe through them. Some I think I handled better than others because I had to grunt or moan through some, and others I was able to silently breathe through. But just thinking about getting closer to seeing my baby and being almost there helped me a lot. Thinking about something like waves crashing on a beach or a distraction instead of the discomfort is a good way to get through it also.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Kind of sitting or leaning back in a reclined-but-upright position in the pool.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I felt so relieved that the labor was over and accomplished that I was able to finish the entire process without any medication and very little assistance. The midwife helped pull the baby's shoulders out, but that's about it. And it was my second all natural birth! I'm very proud that I was able to do that!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You really have to commit. Because once you start, you can't really change your mind. It's hard, but it takes determination. If you put your mind to it you can do it, and when you feel like you are at the end of what you can handle, hang in there, because the end is sooo close, don't give up! You are made for this, mama! Rock those hips and stay relaxed and breathe.

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