When did you realize you were really in labor?
Contractions were about 2.5 minutes apart when j finally called my midwife. They were into 30 seconds long, though, so I continued to question it.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
This time, the most challenging part was pushing! But thankfully that was still only 20 minutes.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I chose to accept that it was going to hurt. Accepting the pain as normal allowed me to ride the waves as they came. I also focused a lot on the temporary aspect of it, I knew the sooner I started, the sooner I would finish and have a baby and a nap.
What surprised you about your birth?
This, my third child, was my smallest baby at 6 lbs 11oz. My second was a very similar birth but a pound heavier. What surprised me was that pushing was SO much harder the 3rd time! I experienced the ring of fire for the first time, and it lasted THREE contractions! Ouch!
Accept it fully. Don't tell yourself you can cheat the pain with XYZ. Acknowledge that it will hurt and that it is SUPPOSED to hurt, and focus on the fact that it is temporary. Each contraction comes and goes in a short span of time. Pull a Kimmy Schmidt: 'You can do anything for 10 seconds.' Or 60 seconds in this case...
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Hot water in my pool and crushing my husband's hand to mush was effective. We also had something totally random and boring on tv and it really distracted me between contractions.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Sitting in my pool, leaned against the back a bit.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I felt Pure relief that it was over and pure elation to discover we had a son. Kissing his wet head was heaven.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Accept it fully. Don't tell yourself you can cheat the pain with XYZ. Acknowledge that it will hurt and that it is SUPPOSED to hurt, and focus on the fact that it is temporary. Each contraction comes and goes in a short span of time. Pull a Kimmy Schmidt: "You can do anything for 10 seconds." Or 60 seconds in this case...