When did you realize you were really in labor?
My water broke 55 hours before my daughter was born. Everyone was concerned once I was 24 hours in, but I trusted my body. My doula (who is my sister) and midwife were comfortable with letting me go past 24 hours, as they had experience with other mamas in similar situations. Contractions were on and off for the next couple days, and just as I was starting to feel discouraged, I went to sleep and woke up at 3am on the day of my daughters birth with very strong contractions. I knew it was time.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
This was my second baby and I was super confident with natural birth. I wouldn't say anything about the birth was challenging. It was just so joyful. However, I didn't enjoy people's comments, however harmless they thought they were being, about the length of time after my water broke. I know my body better than anyone. ANYONE. So we (my doula) had to put a stop to those 48 hours in.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I just didn't worry about it. I hired a knowledgeable, supportive midwife who was just there. Simply there. I didn't look at birth as this grand event (even though it is), but instead, I went into it knowing to just listen to my body and let it happen.
What surprised you about your birth?
My baby was posterior and face presenting! No one had any clue until we saw her lips come out first. My sister said my daughter's lips looked like a little flower, but I say she was just ready to "face" the world. I was also surprised at how happy and thankful and in good spirits I was the whole time. Loved my birth and I will cherish the memory forever!
Just let your body do the work for you. Rest between contractions and surround yourself with a birth team you love and trust. Feel your baby in the birth canal to motivate yourself and know that this baby can't stay in there forever. Once it's over, its just such a relief and nothing compares to the feeling of empowerment when you realize what you've just done.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
My doula suggested I just relax my pelvic floor as if I were peeing the whole time. In my first birth, I fought every contraction and hated it. With this baby, I just let the wave of pain wash over me. I also remained calm and as quiet as possible so I could remain in control of the situation. I got in the tub just as I started to push and I'm not sure it really relieved the pain, but it did help me to relax.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was squatting in the birth pool. We planned for my 3.5 year old to "catch the baby" but she fell asleep 30 minutes before her sister arrived. So my sister handed her to me.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Such a joy and relief. Due to her posterior, face presentation, pushing was a lot more painful and a lot less "pressurey". She had some bruising around her chin, she looked like she had a beard, so it was a little concerning, but one she cried and latched (20 minutes after birth), any worry we had was gone.I had my little "bearded" baby girl!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Just let your body do the work for you. Rest between contractions and surround yourself with a birth team you love and trust. Feel your baby in the birth canal to motivate yourself and know that this baby can't stay in there forever. Once it's over, its just such a relief and nothing compares to the feeling of empowerment when you realize what you've just done. I'm 6 weeks pp and I'm still high off of the whole experience.