When did you realize you were really in labor?
My water broke with a loud pop that startled me, my midwife and her assistant didn't hear it even though they were close by. I then felt like I needed to go to the bathroom and while on the toilet I started to shake, the contractions immediately became intense and I had to breath through them.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
I don't think of natural child-birth as challenging. I knew child-birth would be hard work from watching my own mother give birth at home six (6) times. Watching her give birth was empowering to me as I knew if she could do it, I could do it. Barring any concerns, I've always knew I would give birth to my babies at home with a midwife I trusted and was fully confident in.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Hiring an excellent midwife that I trust. I asked a lot of questions, and my midwife encouraged me to eat well as it would affect myself, my pregnancy and my child for the rest of his life. Also, I think the most important question I asked my midwife was why first-time mom's usually take longer to deliver. She said, 1) it's the first time they've given birth and nothing has gone through the birth canal before; and 2) most women fight the pain. The pain has a purpose, to get your baby out. Don't fight the pain, work with it. As you can tell, my midwife is a great coach. ;)
What surprised you about your birth?
Recovery. I have never been so sore (head to toe) in all my life. My body felt like I had just ran 100 marathons back to back. Of course you're sore in the nether region, but my abs and back muscles were extremely sore as well.
There are no words to adequately describe the awe and wonder of laying your eyes and feeling your previous babe's skin for the first time. Life is a miracle and your brand new baby is the greatest reminder of that.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Not fighting the pain, it's a tool to be used. Breathing through the pain and gentle massage or touch. For me, that meant my midwife's amazing assistant gently massaging my lower back with olive oil or gently rubbing my leg or arm. Bless his heart, my precious husband tried but his touch felt too rough.
What position did you end up delivering in?
After pushing in just about every position I delivered in a low squatting position, leaning back while holding onto my husband's neck.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
There are no words to adequately describe the awe and wonder of laying your eyes and feeling your previous babe's skin for the first time. Life is a miracle and your brand new baby is the greatest reminder of that.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Educate yourself. Ask other women about their birth stories, whether hospital or otherwise. Do you like what you hear when you compare hospital, birth center and home birth stories? What birth experience would you like to duplicate as much as possible? Interview your care providers. I googled and found a midwife questionnaire online. I met with two midwives. I found the documentaries, The Business of Being Born 1 and 2 to be very interesting. I also read, skimmed through, books about midwifery and hospital births.
There are almost always exceptions and thank God for modern medicine and wonderful hospital staff.
Remember you are stronger than you think.