Birth Stories

Yoga Helped Joy During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    This birth seemed to start a lot like my first birth, so I was pretty sure when around 3 a.m., my cramping seemed to be coming consistently. This time around, I allowed myself to relax and enjoy the process. I took a warm bath, made myself tea and had a small breakfast. I saw I had bloody show a little before 4 a.m. and called my midwife and my doula. I was still somewhat unsure of when I'd be ready to go to the hospital, so I sent my husband to work, only to call him back home an hour and a half later!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    For me, words were very powerful during my labor. During transition, everyone was quiet around me except the nurse who was trying to call other staff into the room. I realized I needed to speak out loud what I needed to hear. So I began saying, "I need to do this, I need to do this," and as my doula and husband began repeating me, I could finish with "I can do this, I am doing this." They repeated what I was saying and that was very powerful for me.
    I was also able to have a natural water birth with my first, but this time I was only able to labor in the tub and would have to push out of the water. I hadn't really experienced the "ring of fire" with my first, so I was a little nervous. When it came time to push though, I found that having the use of gravity and being able to feel more, I was able to feel exactly when my son's head, then shoulders, and finally his body was birthed. It was amazing.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Yoga, positive thoughts and pictures, and picking the right people to support me.
    Yoga taught me how to be present, in spite of uncomfortably or even pain. I learned that even though I may feel pain, I don't have to fear it. Hearing other women's stories and seeing the strength inspired me to go after that again. Also, this time around, my husband was also more prepared and I felt like a team as he helped me cope during labor. My doula was great and often reminded me of things I had said when I forgot to mention or ask them of the staff, and my best friend was there simply to encourage and be with me. I believe women can be their own strength, but it is so comforting to have a support team!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    What surprised me the most was that I had a son!
    We went back and forth on whether or not we would find out the gender. We did with our first and it was very tempting to find out again. We actually ended up trying to find out a few times during the last trimester, but for different reasons, never seemed to be able to. The baby wanted to stay a mystery! I was so sure I was having another girl, so when my husband said, "We have a son! It's a boy!" I was kissing the baby asking, "What? A boy? A boy!?" It was all worth it. I'm so happy I was able to have a natural hospital birth again.

  • Surround yourself with people, both who are informed about your options and who want the best for you. Be informed, but also trust yourself and your body. And visualize yourself after your birth, whether at home or in a hospital bed, with your baby. During the end of labor, I reminded myself that even though it felt like too much at a time, if I kept going, it would end and it would bring me my baby and I could finally relax with them and eat the hospital chocolate pudding. =)
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Visualizing helped me cope with contractions. I had a foam roller to be used on my back, but I ended up squeezing it (and even biting it at one point!) and imagining the wave of the contraction going through me and out into the foam roller. My husband or doula applied counter pressure which physically got me through the contractions as well.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I first tried squatting to push, but didn't feel as comfortable as I thought I would in that position. After trying a few others, I ended up pushing while lying on my side.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I felt relieved and so surprised that it was over! I pushed for about 10 minutes (versus the 45 minutes from my first) and couldn't believe that I was done and that my baby was here! Baby seemed hungry right away and was latched and nursing within 10 minutes. I was speechless and so thankful for everyone who was there.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Surround yourself with people, both who are informed about your options and who want the best for you. Be informed, but also trust yourself and your body. And visualize yourself after your birth, whether at home or in a hospital bed, with your baby. During the end of labor, I reminded myself that even though it felt like too much at a time, if I kept going, it would end and it would bring me my baby and I could finally relax with them and eat the hospital chocolate pudding. =)

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