When did you realize you were really in labor?
Around 5:15AM at 40 weeks, I had a couple uncomfortable cramps. I had been having cramps for the last three weeks, so I didn't think much of it. At this time, I also started bleeding. My husband was getting ready for work and I did not think I was in labor, so I didn't tell him what was going on and kissed him goodbye. As soon as he left, things quickly got more intense. I was stuck in the bathroom for a while. I tried to time the contractions, but I could barely open my eyes. Instead I tried to count how many contractions I had in a period of time. At 6AM I began to realize that I was probably in labor, so I called my mother in law and asked that she come over and take care of my two year old son because I knew I wouldn't be able to look after him with the way that I was feeling. At that point, I had had at least 10 contractions in just under an hour. I wanted to labor at home as long as possible, but I decided it was time to call the midwife. She said, "How soon can you be here?" It was go time!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Knowing that my true heart would be revealed during labor frightened me. With my first child's birth, I was fearful and my birth plan was simply "epidural." Sure enough, I panicked when things became painful during the 1st labor. The fear fed my pain, and the pain fed my fear. I had not given my first labor over to the Lord and I relied on my own understanding and trusted the doctors. That experience was not what I had hoped it would be. After inspiration from my sister in law's natural labor, along with the conviction that the Lord wanted me to have a natural birth this time around, I switched to a birth center during my 2nd pregnancy. I did not want to have this labor in the hospital with increased chances of intervention and also the temptation of pain relieving drugs.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
PRAYER, PRAYER, PRAYER! I prayed continuously for the Lord to be close to me during labor. I prayed that I would not let fear take control , but that He would be in control of it all. I prayed for a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Most of all, I prayed that the birth would glorify the Lord and that this story would be a testimony to all those present and also those who would hear this story. I can not take credit for this labor and I can not be prideful that "I did it" because it was not me, but it was the Lord who delivered my baby AND me! I also read hundreds of birth stories through my pregnancy which helped me process many different possibilities/outcomes of labor. My sister in law helped me make a sweet labor play list of spirit filled songs, and the music was a great distraction and encouragement to me. If music speaks to you, do not neglect this project because it was so valuable to me even though labor was quick. I also recommend reading Jennifer Vanderlaan's books 40 weeks, The Lord of Birth, and the Christian Childbirth Handbook and Workbook. They are incredible books to help prepare your heart for labor. Physically, I drank a quart of red raspberry leaf tea each day once I hit 36 weeks. Also at 36 weeks, I started taking evening primrose oil (one orally morning and evening, and one vaginally each morning and evening). Walking at least 3 times a week helped keep the aches and pains of pregnancy away. Towards the end of pregnancy, I was actually craving walks!
What surprised you about your birth?
How fast it was! First cramp at 5:15AM, delivered my baby boy at 9:28AM! When I arrived at the birth center at 7:45AM, they checked me and I was fully dilated! They said I could push, but I didn't feel like it. Plus my husband wasn't there yet ( he arrived 40 minutes before baby came).
Prepare your heart. Consider your options for prenatal care and birth location. Don't rush your pregnancy. You need this time to prepare physically and spiritually. During labor, don't lose sight that your pain and discomfort is for a purpose- you will meet your baby so soon!
What pain relief strategies worked best?
The tub at the birth center felt so good and helped me relax. I had to stay on my hands and elbows the entire time to stay the most comfortable in the tub. Also, I needed my lower back massaged the entire time. Pain was much more intense without someone's hands on my back.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I labored in the tub for an hour (Ahhh-mazing) and then had to get out to try to pee. I instinctively sat on the toilet backwards and I leaned on the back of the toilet. It felt nice and cool (tub was starting to get too hot!). Soon after moving to the potty, I could not deny that the baby was coming down! Then I started trying to move to help baby out. I tried standing, but my legs were too shaky. I grabbed on to the rails and tried squatting, but was too tired for that after a few minutes. The midwife convinced me to lay back over my husband's lap (he was on his knees). Once I sank down over him, I let go and could focus on my baby coming out. Looking back at my labor video (thanks to my sister in law who I love so so much, we have a beautiful birth video that we didn't even plan to have!) I had several long breaks in between pushing. My water didn't break until right before baby's head came out. I got to lay back and massage my baby's head for several minutes before he was fully out. I loved those minutes. Finally, my body knew it was time for him to come out. In total, I pushed a handful of times when I had to, but my body did the rest. Praise the Lord, my son was finally here and was perfectly healthy! I am so thankful that I was able to work with my body and baby while leaning on Jesus!
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I could not stop laughing. I may have seemed a little hysterical, but I just thought that it was so funny that he came so quickly! He had great color, and I also thought it was funny that he had hair (my 1st son was a baldie). I was surprised that he was a boy (it was incredible to discover that for myself!) He was so lively, he screamed for a long time. He was (and is) beautiful and perfect, truly a gift of the Lord (which is what his name, Mathias, means). Yes, it felt so right to hold this baby.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Prepare your heart. Consider your options for prenatal care and birth location. Don't rush your pregnancy. You need this time to prepare physically and spiritually. During labor, don't lose sight that your pain and discomfort is for a purpose- you will meet your baby so soon!