28 Week Old Baby Development

Baby’s adjusting so well—your little one is more and more self-aware and social every day. Find out why you might be having a harder time.

  • 28 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    Seven months earthside! How the time flies, doesn’t it? Right now, you may notice that the interactions between you and your little one have blossomed. Games such a pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo may be much more engaging and interactive. He is now able to mimic some actions you make and maybe even laugh when you do something silly! Here are a few things you can try with him to support these back and forth interactions even more:

    • Clap, clap, clap! See if he mimics your clapping.
    • Place him in front of a mirror. Ask him “who is that baby in the mirror?!” See how he responds. Some babies will pat their reflection, smile, or wave their arms around.
    • Place a towel or cloth in front of your face to play a game of peek-a-boo. Give him time to ‘find’ you—see if he removes the cloth on his own!

    These social interactions are not only exciting for you, but they also show his growing development in self awareness. With each passing day, he gets closer to understanding who he is in this world.

    This is such a magical time. The little infant that once was is now beginning to blossom into an interactive, social buddy! Embrace these precious moments—it’s only going to get better, mama!

    28 week old baby Nolan Mama Natural Baby Tracker

    Reader photo of 28 week old baby Nolan.

  • You at 28 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    It’s been seven months adjusting to life as a mother. There may be times when you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and just plain out of it. You may be juggling life at work, mama life, and keeping your relationship with your partner alive. Sometimes it may just seem like too much for one little plate! These feelings are completely normal —and there are things you can do to help feel more confident and competent in all aspects of your life.

    • Create a sex schedule: As unsexy as this may sound, some mamas find that knowing when sex is going to happen makes it easier to manage (and makes them more excited to get it on, too!).
    • Have a standing date night. Set a goal of going out with your partner at least once per month. Get a babysitter and get it on the calendar—no excuses!
    • Talk to your partner. Set some time each day (even just 5-10 minutes!) where you talk with partner without mentioning the baby! It’s important to talk about other thoughts and feelings besides the all-consuming baby life.
    • Treat yourself. Do a few daily self-care acts to boost confidence and contentment. Sometimes too many days in leggings and a messy mom bun can make us feel less attractive. Doing small acts each day like combing your hair and putting on a cute pair of earrings can make you feel more connected to your sexuality and, ultimately, to your partner.
    • Think beyond sex. If you’re feeling “touched out” from nursing or taking care of kids, ask your partner to read you poetry or some other mind-stimulating activity to shake things up.
    • Divvy up the workload. Be sure to remind your partner that a clean house or laundry done is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs out there! 

    One thing’s for sure: It’s not always easy. But understanding how to manage it all, in a way that works for you, can make all the difference. And know that you are not alone! Reach out to other mamas who may be going through a similar experience. Exchange ideas and tips—and help each other out! Remember, ‘mama’ is just another word for ‘superhero!’

  • Genevieve’s Week 28 Postpartum Update 🌞

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  • Try This With Your 28 Week Old Baby

    • Place a chlid-safe mirror in baby’s place space to help them begin to learn self awareness

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