When did you realize you were really in labor?
My pregnancies are very high risk, so while I had hoped to go into natural labor this time, I did not. However, I was 39+ weeks when I was induced, so my labor started just as soon as my first dose of cervical prep medicine was given - contractions every two minutes regularly.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
It was most difficult to want to be able to have full autonomy over my labor/delivery decisions and yet to have a complex medical history that meant I had to be prepared for every contingency... induction, spontaneous labor, cesarean, vbac attempt, etc.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I trust my instincts: I knew I needed to birth in a hospital, I trusted my OB to evaluate my viability for vbac in the moment, and I knew that a c-section would not be my hardest post-surgery recovery.
What surprised you about your birth?
I was surprised by how truly miraculous it was for my baby to be birthed by c-section. I had an unknown complication within my body that affected my uterus. I really believe that while not the "natural", vaginal delivery I desired, that I got the best result: a healthy baby and a healthy mommy.
If you choose a hospital delivery, educate yourself on family-centered cesarean, which can help your delivery to be as natural as possible. Be your own advocate and establish an exchange of thought with your OB before delivery as I found this to be a huge predictor of being included during the delivery process.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
While laboring naturally: walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, cat/dog on the bed. I later decided to have an epidural. The anesthesiologist placed my epidural on a "button"... I had complete control over how much I felt and what/when I numbed my body. This enabled me to be mobile and still have pain control. It was so nice to be able to have that control and power to make my own choice, rather than to feel paralyzed.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I was on my back... c-section requires this.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Honestly, it was sad and I don't remember it much. The unknown complication required for my boy to be taken to the NICU immediately. So, the first time I held him, he looked to be (potentially) a very sick baby. That just isn't what you want for your first time holding your baby. BUT... he latched immediately! We established a very healthy breastfeeding relationship during his time in the NICU, something I didn't have with my first child. That was my silver lining.
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
If you choose a hospital delivery, educate yourself on family-centered cesarean, which can help your delivery to be as natural as possible. Be your own advocate and establish an exchange of thought with your OB before delivery as I found this to be a huge predictor of being included during the delivery process. Also, include your spouse, so s/he knows how to support you when you are laboring. Finally, find the positive... whatever that nugget of gold is.