Birth Stories

Relaxing Greatly Helped Bethany During Each Contraction

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I had my first 'real' contraction. It was the same tightening feeling as the Braxton Hicks I had been getting for weeks, but this time with a little period like achy feeling. Next came an almost constant stream of real contractions every 2-3 minutes for the rest of the day! Little did I know how tired I would be by the end!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Hmmm, I would say dealing with having to reassure family and friends, over and over that yes, I'm sure I want to go natural, and yes in a birthing center instead of a hospital...and yes I think everything will be ok:)

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I had been imagining the birthing process the way I wanted it to go since day one, and practicing positive thinking, using positive words and relaxation techniques I learned from my hypno babies study course. It's common knowledge that a runner will practice and condition themselves before a marathon, or weight lifter before a competition, a swimmer or gymnast before a meet...going through labor and pushing a baby out is no different! If you practice you will be much better at it, or at least more prepared! There is one big difference though between a sporting event and giving birth; one you get to stop if your body can't take any more, and the other you have no choice but to keep going! I think hypno babies made a big difference for me and I learned a lot about the power our minds have over our bodies!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How HARD it was when it came time to push! These contractions were SO powerful that my whole body - from facial muscles to muscles in my feet, involuntarily tightened with every one that came. The only way I can describe the feeling, is like intensely heaving as though you have to vomit(but nothing comes out) while simultaneously being forced by the power of your body to gut wrenchingly push with all your might! You do that for a minute or so while barely having enough time to catch a breath, and when you do breathe, it sounds like you've been under water for forever and you have to gasp for dear life! You have 1 minute maybe 2 to rest, and in my case almost sleep...then do it all over again! This part I was not mentally or physically prepared for! I really thought I was going to have to hold back from pushing so she didn't come out too quickly, I was dilated to 10 and in my mind she was going to slip on down and into the water, and I'd catch her all by myself, with maybe a few minutes of pushing. Boy oh boy was I wrong! I pushed, and I pushed and I pushed...with what seemed like 0 progress, I would grip onto the tub with my chin, while clenching my jaw shut(the next few days my jaw was sore and my chin was bruised!)

  • Just know that you CAN do it, and truly believe it! During labor your subconscious mind takes over, so speak to yourself in positive affirming words as much as possible, as early as possible...if your subconscious mind believes you can do it, nothing can get in your way:)
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Every time I would have a contraction or 'pressure wave' as they teach you to say in hypno babies, I would close my eyes and focus on my whole body relaxing and pretty much going completely limp, it's called the 'off' switch'. I definitely couldn't talk through or walk through these pressure waves, and because I wasn't fighting them, they weren't painful for me, uncomfortable yes, painful no. During the few minutes that I had between them, I felt 100% normal and could walk and talk like nothing was happening.
    And then there was the birthing tub...pure heaven! So warm, relaxing and comforting, it definitely helped a ton!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    My midwife suggested we try positions out of the water, I hated the thought of being on the bed or anywhere but in that tub, but it had been an hour and 15 minutes of intense pushing and she was barely moving so I had to change it up, We tried a birthing stool for about 15 minutes and then we went to the bed, by now all I could do was lie down... Not how I had envisioned it that's for sure, but this is where the progress began. I could feel my pushes making a difference and that was so encouraging, I was so very exhausted I couldn't believe I was still able to push at all let alone every 1-2 minutes...but I had to push even if I didn't want to.
    I pushed for another solid 20 minutes until her head started to appear, through the next few contractions, her head kept inching a little bit further. I managed to focus enough and NOT push for one of the contractions, so I could use all my might for the next one(as though I wasn't already using all my might) The next one comes, and my midwife says her head is out! I was in utter disbelief, because I didn't feel a thing! I was expecting the ring of fire, or some sort of pain, but it all felt the same; like TONS of pressure. After her head, the rest of her body just slid out so fast and easy! My midwife said 'grab your baby', and I reached down as she handed her to me, and pulled her onto my chest.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    She was so tiny, delicate, warm and slimy; It felt like an eternity was finally over, and I was actually holding my precious baby! The one I carried inside me all this time, I heard her little heart beat, saw her tiny feet in the ultrasound, felt her kicks, her hiccups, went through incredible labor for and now I get to finally see her, touch her and hear her cry! Any and all discomfort was completely gone... it is that moment right there, I wish I could relive over and over again. Pure euphoria, astonishment, relief, excitement, love, and so many other amazing emotions and feelings plus some that I didn't know existed...ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! I truly believe there is no better feeling on this planet! I couldn't grasp that the moment had finally arrived!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Just know that you CAN do it, and truly believe it! During labor your subconscious mind takes over, so speak to yourself in positive affirming words as much as possible, as early as possible...if your subconscious mind believes you can do it, nothing can get in your way:)

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