- Griswold Name Origin: German
- Pronunciation: g-riswo-ld, gr(is)-wold
- Share your thoughts about Griswold
Griswold Name Popularity
How popular is the name Griswold? Here’s everything we know.
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Names Like Griswold
If you like Griswold, you’ll love these other names like Griswold.
What names are variants of Griswold?
Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Griswold.
Name | Meaning | Origin | Popularity | Other Gender |
Griswald |
Gray woods |
German |
What names sound like Griswold?
If you like how Griswold sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Griswold.
Name | Meaning | Origin | Popularity | Other Gender |
Creswell |
Well where watercress grows |
English |
Creswill |
Well where watercress grows |
English |
Lists With Griswold
Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Griswold.
Exotic Boy Names With International Charm // 202 names
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