Edith Name Meaning

The name Edith has a rich and powerful meaning, symbolizing wealth and strength in battle.

Origins of the Name Edith

The name Edith originates from Old English and means “rich battle.”

Popularity of the Name Edith

Edith was a popular name in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reaching its peak in the 1890s. It has since declined in popularity but remains a timeless classic.

Infographic of Edith name meaning, which is “Thou art my riches and my happiness,” from the Anglo-Saxon ead, riches, happiness, etc.
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Edith Name Popularity

How popular is the name Edith? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 35 2,586 0.7345%
1911 31 2,816 0.7562%
1912 31 3,835 0.7605%
1913 29 4,363 0.7695%
1914 31 5,208 0.7473%
1915 31 6,757 0.7437%
1916 28 7,305 0.7562%
1917 28 7,531 0.7528%
1918 30 7,851 0.7315%
1919 29 7,764 0.7415%
1920 32 7,773 0.6991%
1921 33 7,583 0.6622%
1922 34 7,132 0.6402%
1923 36 6,829 0.6097%
1924 36 6,888 0.5931%
1925 42 6,271 0.5548%
1926 42 5,787 0.5262%
1927 48 5,401 0.4879%
1928 56 4,840 0.4523%
1929 59 4,453 0.4299%
1930 61 4,271 0.4089%
1931 65 3,768 0.3818%
1932 68 3,562 0.3605%
1933 79 3,108 0.3336%
1934 81 3,008 0.3112%
1935 87 2,825 0.2907%
1936 87 2,756 0.2861%
1937 96 2,644 0.2683%
1938 102 2,589 0.2529%
1939 101 2,472 0.243%
1940 98 2,501 0.2353%
1941 101 2,458 0.2184%
1942 113 2,452 0.1942%
1943 118 2,375 0.1819%
1944 123 2,172 0.1753%
1945 131 1,834 0.1504%
1946 136 1,963 0.133%
1947 136 2,186 0.131%
1948 138 2,075 0.13%
1949 145 2,048 0.1273%
1950 150 1,946 0.1209%
1951 165 1,836 0.1083%
1952 183 1,627 0.0932%
1953 202 1,504 0.085%
1954 211 1,400 0.0766%
1955 204 1,505 0.0818%
1956 210 1,459 0.0772%
1957 223 1,395 0.0725%
1958 231 1,293 0.0684%
1959 234 1,334 0.0702%
1960 243 1,260 0.0665%
1961 264 1,129 0.0598%
1962 285 988 0.0538%
1963 294 956 0.0533%
1964 295 936 0.0532%
1965 298 857 0.0524%
1966 312 765 0.049%
1967 342 637 0.042%
1968 366 563 0.0375%
1969 379 569 0.0369%
1970 387 567 0.0356%
1971 408 486 0.0323%
1972 417 426 0.0313%
1973 443 384 0.0296%
1974 464 342 0.0263%
1975 478 341 0.0265%
1976 464 369 0.0286%
1977 545 286 0.0212%
1978 558 270 0.0201%
1979 568 275 0.0195%
1980 559 293 0.02%
1981 584 262 0.0178%
1982 654 221 0.0148%
1983 615 234 0.0159%
1984 613 245 0.0165%
1985 616 255 0.0168%
1986 596 272 0.018%
1987 636 246 0.0161%
1988 644 256 0.0164%
1989 595 318 0.0197%
1990 560 371 0.0224%
1991 546 382 0.0234%
1992 551 383 0.024%
1993 589 359 0.023%
1994 508 448 0.0292%
1995 449 535 0.0355%
1996 582 351 0.0234%
1997 553 381 0.0258%
1998 614 344 0.023%
1999 589 376 0.0251%
2000 574 411 0.0269%
2001 587 389 0.0258%
2002 573 410 0.0274%
2003 688 333 0.0219%
2004 658 368 0.0241%
2005 632 396 0.0259%
2006 629 412 0.0263%
2007 734 346 0.0219%
2008 801 302 0.0195%
2009 856 268 0.0179%
2010 813 276 0.0192%
2011 742 315 0.0221%
2012 724 326 0.0229%
2013 688 351 0.0247%
2014 614 409 0.0281%
2015 505 564 0.0388%
2016 472 605 0.042%
2017 456 622 0.0446%
2018 486 568 0.0413%
2019 475 589 0.0435%
2020 472 590 0.0464%
2021 480 569 0.0465%
2022 522 559 0.0424%

Alaska (AK)

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth



Strife for wealth


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender


Indian (Sanskrit)


From Judea; Jewish


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Unknown meaning



  1. It was a grandmothers name and my husband and I both love the old style names.

  2. My great-grandmother’s name is Edith, and we want to honor her. (Plus we’ve absolutely fallen in love with the name!) What do y’all think?

  3. It’s a cool name

    • lol
      (also pls don’t make fun of my name. i fell in love with a guy… ok?)

  4. My wifes name is Edith, and I loved it from introduction. Over thirty years, and many discussions about old historic names, I came to learn that she wasn’t very fond of her name. She disliked it – not in an overt or unhealthy way, after all she was named after her aunt Edith, so she has always held on to that reverance. She basically thought it was old fashioned, quaint, too southern, and irreparably harmed by the TV character “Edith Bunker”. My comeback line was – most names are old names! My name is Louis – how old is that? With age comes wisdom and lots of self inspection. I’m here to report that she is in love her name – Edith…

  5. Two of my great grandmothers were named Edith and my baby was born in the eve of the feast of St. Edith Stein who has such an amazing testimony as a convert, intellectual, martyr.

  6. We love it

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