Infographic of Etta name meaning, which is A diminutive form of Henrietta, “mistress of the home.”
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Etta Name Popularity

How popular is the name Etta? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 166 394 0.1119%
1911 173 392 0.1053%
1912 190 478 0.0948%
1913 196 506 0.0892%
1914 218 539 0.0773%
1915 214 735 0.0809%
1916 222 713 0.0738%
1917 223 724 0.0724%
1918 228 727 0.0677%
1919 232 708 0.0676%
1920 231 771 0.0693%
1921 240 719 0.0628%
1922 244 675 0.0606%
1923 239 712 0.0636%
1924 248 684 0.0589%
1925 245 693 0.0613%
1926 257 620 0.0564%
1927 261 610 0.0551%
1928 269 541 0.0506%
1929 254 579 0.0559%
1930 266 518 0.0496%
1931 272 479 0.0485%
1932 276 463 0.0469%
1933 271 475 0.051%
1934 276 452 0.0468%
1935 283 418 0.043%
1936 282 416 0.0432%
1937 292 405 0.0411%
1938 288 425 0.0415%
1939 308 357 0.0351%
1940 304 391 0.0368%
1941 319 379 0.0337%
1942 321 421 0.0333%
1943 344 385 0.0295%
1944 353 339 0.0274%
1945 374 308 0.0253%
1946 397 324 0.022%
1947 437 306 0.0183%
1948 416 319 0.02%
1949 424 303 0.0188%
1950 475 246 0.0153%
1951 514 208 0.0123%
1952 536 209 0.012%
1953 530 217 0.0123%
1954 547 213 0.0117%
1955 546 233 0.0127%
1956 571 224 0.0119%
1957 634 188 0.0098%
1958 604 223 0.0118%
1959 671 170 0.0089%
1960 677 175 0.0092%
1961 735 151 0.008%
1962 722 156 0.0085%
1963 753 139 0.0077%
1964 796 123 0.007%
1965 879 81 0.005%
1966 937 68 0.0044%
1967 1,220 35 0.0023%
1968 1,095 49 0.0033%
1969 1,511 23 0.0015%
1970 1,690 19 0.0012%
1971 1,562 24 0.0016%
1972 1,801 15 0.0011%
1973 0 0%
1974 0 0%
1975 2,755 5 0.0004%
1976 2,050 11 0.0009%
1977 2,574 6 0.0004%
1978 0 0%
1979 0 0%
1980 0 0%
1981 0 0%
1982 0 0%
1983 0 0%
1984 0 0%
1985 0 0%
1986 0 0%
1987 3,434 5 0.0003%
1988 0 0%
1989 0 0%
1990 0 0%
1991 0 0%
1992 0 0%
1993 0 0%
1994 0 0%
1995 0 0%
1996 0 0%
1997 0 0%
1998 0 0%
1999 0 0%
2000 0 0%
2001 0 0%
2002 0 0%
2003 0 0%
2004 3,341 7 0.0005%
2005 0 0%
2006 3,781 5 0.0003%
2007 0 0%
2008 2,728 16 0.001%
2009 2,285 27 0.0018%
2010 2,256 27 0.0019%
2011 2,172 29 0.002%
2012 1,413 92 0.0065%
2013 1,177 133 0.0093%
2014 1,091 157 0.0108%
2015 1,023 181 0.0124%
2016 917 220 0.0153%
2017 915 212 0.0152%
2018 897 218 0.0159%
2019 893 212 0.0157%
2020 975 207 0.0163%
2021 938 211 0.0173%
2022 1,004 207 0.0157%

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District of Columbia (DC)

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New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

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Rhode Island (RI)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

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Myrtle leaf; home ruler



Myrtle leaf; home ruler


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Myrtle leaf


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Dear one



The moon



  1. We named her after his mother, whose name is Henrietta. If had been a boy, would have been Henri

  2. We named her Etta after his mother. Henrietta, if she would have been a boy Henry but she’s a girl so Etta. I love that the name is not very common but is a good classic name

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