Infographic of Delia name meaning, which is “The maiden from Delos,” an island in the Aegean Sea. Delos is regarded as the legendary birthplace of Apollo and the site of the ancient temple of Apollo.
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Delia Name Popularity

How popular is the name Delia? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 326 97 0.0276%
1911 301 128 0.0344%
1912 379 108 0.0214%
1913 373 128 0.0226%
1914 341 202 0.029%
1915 376 222 0.0244%
1916 386 215 0.0223%
1917 378 234 0.0234%
1918 389 238 0.0222%
1919 378 252 0.0241%
1920 409 222 0.02%
1921 415 220 0.0192%
1922 427 202 0.0181%
1923 395 238 0.0212%
1924 413 239 0.0206%
1925 430 214 0.0189%
1926 416 227 0.0206%
1927 397 251 0.0227%
1928 392 246 0.023%
1929 388 254 0.0245%
1930 399 235 0.0225%
1931 371 256 0.0259%
1932 392 234 0.0237%
1933 351 277 0.0297%
1934 378 239 0.0247%
1935 408 207 0.0213%
1936 436 170 0.0176%
1937 396 223 0.0226%
1938 428 203 0.0198%
1939 432 200 0.0197%
1940 431 206 0.0194%
1941 430 212 0.0188%
1942 402 276 0.0219%
1943 431 248 0.019%
1944 424 242 0.0195%
1945 444 217 0.0178%
1946 435 271 0.0184%
1947 420 331 0.0198%
1948 429 297 0.0186%
1949 401 350 0.0218%
1950 402 343 0.0213%
1951 413 362 0.0214%
1952 396 398 0.0228%
1953 390 429 0.0242%
1954 416 396 0.0217%
1955 417 408 0.0222%
1956 432 410 0.0217%
1957 430 433 0.0225%
1958 451 403 0.0213%
1959 444 426 0.0224%
1960 442 440 0.0232%
1961 453 424 0.0225%
1962 480 362 0.0197%
1963 481 364 0.0203%
1964 469 381 0.0216%
1965 506 305 0.0187%
1966 520 280 0.0179%
1967 540 258 0.017%
1968 561 246 0.0164%
1969 566 255 0.0166%
1970 566 272 0.0171%
1971 596 242 0.0161%
1972 569 242 0.0178%
1973 551 255 0.0197%
1974 655 180 0.0138%
1975 595 219 0.017%
1976 544 274 0.0213%
1977 564 268 0.0199%
1978 610 228 0.017%
1979 623 234 0.0166%
1980 621 246 0.0168%
1981 698 195 0.0133%
1982 765 164 0.011%
1983 693 193 0.0131%
1984 771 156 0.0105%
1985 829 140 0.0092%
1986 794 159 0.0105%
1987 839 152 0.01%
1988 887 143 0.0092%
1989 861 164 0.0102%
1990 816 195 0.0118%
1991 873 177 0.0109%
1992 942 157 0.0098%
1993 845 185 0.0119%
1994 975 142 0.0093%
1995 910 158 0.0105%
1996 1,007 136 0.0091%
1997 912 170 0.0115%
1998 872 192 0.0128%
1999 882 190 0.0127%
2000 1,006 159 0.0104%
2001 1,093 139 0.0092%
2002 1,034 157 0.0105%
2003 985 182 0.012%
2004 965 195 0.0128%
2005 933 212 0.0139%
2006 1,105 168 0.0107%
2007 970 220 0.0139%
2008 1,096 177 0.0115%
2009 1,060 181 0.0121%
2010 1,039 179 0.0124%
2011 986 195 0.0137%
2012 1,103 161 0.0113%
2013 1,278 113 0.0079%
2014 1,061 169 0.0116%
2015 1,208 129 0.0089%
2016 1,232 118 0.0082%
2017 1,175 124 0.0089%
2018 1,284 98 0.0071%
2019 1,345 89 0.0066%
2020 1,353 107 0.0084%
2021 1,583 74 0.0061%
2022 1,855 60 0.0045%

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From Delos



From Delos


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Gentle; slender branch, tendril



Small winged one; pleasure, delight





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God is gracious



  1. We chose Delia together.
    It came to our attention from a
    Podcast we listened to. We both had not heard the name before and loved it.
    I wanted a name that started with a ‘D’ like mine and was unique and pretty, like my name. But I wanted her to have her own name.

    My name
    Is Desirae…so Delia worked out beautifully.
    I also loooove that we chose it together-
    Something that
    Her father and I shared before her and now we can share with her.

    • me and your daughter are name twins

      • There’s only a few of us! I didn’t particularly like my name growing up, but have fallen in love with it now!

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