Infographic of Adelaida name meaning, which is noble kind
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Adelaida Name Popularity

How popular is the name Adelaida? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 1,028 6 0.0012%
1913 1,049 6 0.0011%
1914 1,287 5 0.0007%
1915 1,207 8 0.0009%
1916 0 0%
1917 1,235 9 0.0009%
1918 1,198 12 0.0011%
1919 1,093 16 0.0015%
1920 1,189 13 0.0012%
1921 1,527 6 0.0005%
1922 1,284 11 0.001%
1923 1,416 8 0.0007%
1924 1,252 14 0.0012%
1925 1,351 10 0.0009%
1926 0 0%
1927 1,318 11 0.001%
1928 1,106 18 0.0017%
1929 1,376 7 0.0007%
1930 1,355 7 0.0007%
1931 1,357 7 0.0007%
1932 1,326 7 0.0007%
1933 1,114 13 0.0014%
1934 1,157 11 0.0011%
1935 1,095 14 0.0014%
1936 1,091 13 0.0013%
1937 1,220 10 0.001%
1938 1,272 8 0.0008%
1939 1,099 15 0.0015%
1940 1,104 15 0.0014%
1941 1,252 10 0.0009%
1942 1,292 11 0.0009%
1943 1,362 10 0.0008%
1944 1,336 10 0.0008%
1945 1,082 19 0.0016%
1946 1,173 20 0.0014%
1947 1,478 11 0.0007%
1948 1,138 26 0.0016%
1949 1,304 16 0.001%
1950 1,365 15 0.0009%
1951 1,420 13 0.0008%
1952 1,613 9 0.0005%
1953 1,474 13 0.0007%
1954 1,271 24 0.0013%
1955 1,515 14 0.0008%
1956 1,459 18 0.001%
1957 1,484 17 0.0009%
1958 1,497 17 0.0009%
1959 1,546 16 0.0008%
1960 1,480 20 0.0011%
1961 1,736 12 0.0006%
1962 1,358 28 0.0015%
1963 1,352 27 0.0015%
1964 1,485 21 0.0012%
1965 1,300 30 0.0018%
1966 1,388 24 0.0015%
1967 2,386 5 0.0003%
1968 2,089 7 0.0005%
1969 1,469 25 0.0016%
1970 1,630 21 0.0013%
1971 1,395 33 0.0022%
1972 1,582 21 0.0015%
1973 1,632 19 0.0015%
1974 1,487 27 0.0021%
1975 1,903 13 0.001%
1976 1,885 15 0.0012%
1977 1,886 17 0.0013%
1978 2,140 11 0.0008%
1979 1,742 24 0.0017%
1980 2,217 12 0.0008%
1981 2,457 10 0.0007%
1982 2,126 15 0.001%
1983 2,104 14 0.0009%
1984 1,764 23 0.0015%
1985 3,143 5 0.0003%
1986 2,374 12 0.0008%
1987 2,195 15 0.001%
1988 2,262 16 0.001%
1989 2,494 14 0.0009%
1990 2,479 15 0.0009%
1991 2,341 18 0.0011%
1992 2,386 18 0.0011%
1993 2,919 9 0.0006%
1994 2,460 16 0.001%
1995 2,820 10 0.0007%
1996 2,637 12 0.0008%
1997 2,161 23 0.0016%
1998 2,668 13 0.0009%
1999 3,058 8 0.0005%
2000 2,589 16 0.001%
2001 2,629 15 0.001%
2002 0 0%
2003 2,753 14 0.0009%
2004 2,643 16 0.001%
2005 2,979 11 0.0007%
2006 2,783 15 0.001%
2007 3,367 8 0.0005%
2008 2,738 16 0.001%
2009 2,566 19 0.0013%
2010 3,133 9 0.0006%
2011 2,675 14 0.001%
2012 2,559 17 0.0012%
2013 2,926 10 0.0007%
2014 3,032 9 0.0006%
2015 2,442 19 0.0013%
2016 2,318 22 0.0015%
2017 2,380 18 0.0013%
2018 2,178 23 0.0017%
2019 2,310 18 0.0013%
2020 2,242 35 0.0027%
2021 2,206 34 0.0028%
2022 2,366 34 0.0026%

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Florida (FL)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

New York (NY)

Texas (TX)

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What names sound like Adelaida?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble kind



Noble kind



Noble; small winged one


What names are similar to Adelaida?

Find a name that’s like Adelaida, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble kind



Noble kind



Noble; noble kind



Noble kind; small winged one



Noble, soft, tender








Small winged one



Hardworking woman


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